Reasons to why my Chameleon is different colors?


New Member
Hey!! I recently got a new baby veiled Chameleon a year after my old one died. I also named him Zamora!! So I noticed that Zamora would have these patterns on him such as dots and lines but can’t really figure out why. His colors only go from bright normal green to dark green and brown. I have my turtle filter running but it isn’t loud so would that scare him? Like I said I got him yesterday and I’m just worried. It could be that he hates me or simply because he’s in a new home. Any ideas to what I can do to make him less stressed?? He didn’t do this at the reptile expo nor on the way home. Any ideas why or how to help him!! Thanks!
Can you please post a picture? When chameleons are just getting accustomed to their new home, which can take ~ two weeks (give or take), different things might stress them out.
To make the transition easier, just give him his space for a few weeks and make sure to give him plenty of food and misting.
Can you please post a picture? When chameleons are just getting accustomed to their new home, which can take ~ two weeks (give or take), different things might stress them out.
To make the transition easier, just give him his space for a few weeks and make sure to give him plenty of food and misting.
Sounds normally wouldn't affect a chameleon unless it was a pounding bass coming from a huge subwoofer. They lack the outer and middle ear, like most reptiles, but they do have a quadrate bone which allows them to sense vibrations and deep sounds. Unless the turtle filter is up against the cage or shares a wall with the cage ,the filter probably isn't the problem. Just give him space to calm down.
Another thing, most of the times a new chameleon owner will be standing in front of the cage watching their new cham. This hovering can also stress them out. Can you please post a pic of the enclosure as well?
Just from what I can see your cage is way to bare. They needs lots of real plants ( not a fan of the fake ones) for them to hide and feel safe. Poor baby must be scared out of his mind
Sounds normally wouldn't affect a chameleon unless it was a pounding bass coming from a huge subwoofer. They lack the outer and middle ear, like most reptiles, but they do have a quadrate bone which allows them to sense vibrations and deep sounds. Unless the turtle filter is up against the cage or shares a wall with the cage ,the filter probably isn't the problem. Just give him space to calm down.
Another thing, most of the times a new chameleon owner will be standing in front of the cage watching their new cham. This hovering can also stress them out. Can you please post a pic of the enclosure as well?
I’ve looked into all the care sheets and noticed some things I can do to make a better life for him. I honestly think it was either the filter white vibrates the whole wall (that they do both share) I just checked that it did so I’m debating to move him into a different part of my room. Or it could be my constant hovering. Today after several hours of me not being here he seemed SO happy and I was excited. Whatever it was (probably me being too excited and scaring him with my own Curiosity oops) he his back to his very happy light green of a color. In his cage that’s completely screen he has a vine that can go everywhere in the tank. I have a large climbing wall I guess you would call it and a big green fake leaves bunch. I’m sort of scared to do live plants I’ve heard lots of mixed things I’ll look more into it. I did in fact today add more greenery for him to hide and feel safe in. Just a little more info he’s on paper towel substrate it’s the easiest and my leopard and created gecko are on them too. I all so feed from a cup and have my humidifier near his tank as well. If there’s anything to add I appreciate EVERYTHING. And had to get on here with these questions asap because I could tell he was Terrified and I have a lot of guilt about it :/ anyways thank you!!
Well, about live plants, you 100% need to have at least one. They are one of the most crucial parts of a chameleon's enclosure, especially veileds. Veileds love to munch on plants. Plus, they increase your humidity.
Could I feed Collard greens instead? And if not I have some questions about a plant itself, can i put the plant in a pot and put it in the cage that way instead of redoing the whole tank? And I’ve researched how to handle the plants. Would I have to have a special light for the plant or could I just use the same lights the Chameleon uses as well and just water the plant!! Thanks!!
Get a decent size golden pothos, my vieled guy loves it and yes it’s in a pot. I actually have two and I change them out because they will eat some of the leaves, put some cheap rocks over the soil and rinse it really well in case it had fertilizer on it then just put it in the bottom pot and all. But know he will likely munch on it :) but my guy loves to be wondering around in his .

In the link above, there is a help form. It has all the questions we need answers to in order to help you out with your care and husbandry. Having the correct husbandry early on will prevent most health issues in the future.

Copy the form and paste it below with your answers. The more details the better!

I gotta ask, you mentioned a turtle filter, is that for a different enclosure or are you using it in the chameleons enclosure?

In the link above, there is a help form. It has all the questions we need answers to in order to help you out with your care and husbandry. Having the correct husbandry early on will prevent most health issues in the future.

Copy the form and paste it below with your answers. The more details the better!

I gotta ask, you mentioned a turtle filter, is that for a different enclosure or are you using it in the chameleons enclosure?
The turtle filter is not in the chams enclosure. And the filter is not the problem, hovering is.

I agree with Graves, defanitly fill out the form and post lots of pics!
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