Random question???


New Member
Hi I was just wondering if veiled chameleon are scared of any colours?? Sounds weird but iv noticed that mine can be abit aggressive when I wear bright coloured nail varnish?? I don't know if it's linked or if the days I have it on she's decided she doesn't like me any way haha ...
Thanks guys
I haven't really noticed any colors that our cham is scared of. My boyfriend wears bright colored shirts a lot and he doesn't seem to mind. I do notice that he's unsure of my watch and rings when I hold him, but I've never seen him react differently to my nail polish. As far as noises, cars going by seem to scare him when we have him outside. I think its the vibration and the noise of it.
I haven't really noticed any colors that our cham is scared of. My boyfriend wears bright colored shirts a lot and he doesn't seem to mind. I do notice that he's unsure of my watch and rings when I hold him, but I've never seen him react differently to my nail polish. As far as noises, cars going by seem to scare him when we have him outside. I think its the vibration and the noise of it.

Not into jewellery then? I wear a nipple bar and fred shot it with his tongue I think he thought it was a drop of water ha
YES!!!!!! mine is as scared as heck of my neck tie. Its checkered and kinda flashy, and when the only time he ever seen it, he jumped down off his basking spot and ran. he hid. and showed his stressed out almost black color for like 20 minutes. i think he thought he saw a snake maybe? it was awefull :(

my phone ticks him off. my red phone, never bothered him, but my new black phone makes him so incredibly mad, i cant show it to him! heres a pic i took with this phone of him...


so im not quite sure about certain colors, but certain things can freak them out.

on a side note, i stuck a ruler in there to measure him with, literally used it to push his head out of the way, touched him with it, and he didnt puff, hiss, or even change color he was just chill thinking its all good.
Aww he realy doesn't like it does he haha
Thts what opie does when she sees my nails bends her body then hisses at me.. Makes me jump every time
If she's out though she's fine with them shel walk and sit on my hand, I just think it's the initial bright colour in her tank
She once tried to attack a thermometer which we had placed in her tank just to double check the temp
She came sneaking down and tried to bite it... We took it out and she was still trying to bite it it was qwete funny to see but wev never put it back in again
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