Raleigh, NC Reptile Expo Question

Justin Ward

Established Member
I believe it is April 30 - May 1 but i could be mistken...i was just wondering if any breeders were gonna be there with panthers, or if anyone knows of anyone that will be there with panthers...last year was a little slack on breeders compared to previous years, so i was just trying to see if its worth my time to go out there anticipating making a purchase...thanks
?? im just trying to get an idea of how much money to have...if there are gonna be a lot of breeders, i more than likely will purchase multiple chams
Its usually the first week of May. I don't think any chameleon breeders have done that show in a while, but you never know who might show up. When I used to do that show a few years back I was usually the only chameleon only breeder there, sometimes FL chams was there too back then. I might make an appearance at a buddy's table with a couple chams this time around.
yeah i know the last time i went the only person with panthers was Alan Bosch and he had a few from Jim Flaherty at The Chameleon Company...keep me posted if you decided to show up and let me know if you are bringing any panthers
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