Raising crickets


New Member
Ok since I have so many chams to feed I think I want to start raising my own but not sure where to start. Where do I get the things to start would love some info Thanks :confused:
I woul suggest you start by researching and reading how to do it. YouTube is a great resource for how to videos. You need to start with adult crickets (males have wings, females have long omnispores. Don't get ones that you need to feed off right away. You need ones you can leave alone for at least 1-2 weeks. 15-25 should do it, feed them standard gut load and create a shallow moist soil bin with no pesticides (organic soil). Keep the soil moist. After 1-2 weeks remove and incubate the eggs at 80-85 degrees. The eggs should hatch in 1-2 weeks. Male crickets will eat eggs. It is best to use screen over the soil to keep the males out.
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