Rain sucks!


Well that sucked!

I brought Leon outside for the first time into his BRAND NEW outdoor enclosure. Like I literally finished it an hour 1/2 ago. And I let him in, and after about 50 minutes of him getting used to it for the VERY first time, its starts PISSING rain outside! Like freaken random, it was sunny and around 78 outside. God...I went out there and tried to bring him in and he got all freaked out, maken leaps of faith's and hissen. I probably should of just let him stay out there but he probably would of gotten cold. I put him back in his cage under his heat lamp.

It just pisses me off that it was his FIRST time out there and now he's probably gona be scared to death of that freaken thing because of that stupid rain! :mad:
You should have just left him.

However, I dont think its anything to be upset over! Dont let it ruin your day, some of us are in the middle of a drought! :)
I would of left him out. If it was a little cooler here my boys would be outside everyday that im home. lol but its not and I have picky landlords
Yes, I left mine out in the rain a couple weeks ago. If it wasn't so hot here they would be out much more often.
Well I put him back out and its like 75.6 F outside & 78%RH and our patio bricks retain heat really good so its always warm where the cage is. But alot of small summer clouds passen over so the sun keeps comen out periodically.

I wish it was sunny out so you could see his colors really well but hes a nice light green with a really nice pattern of black spots/stripes. He was chillen in his umbrella when I went back out


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How bad of rain can you let them out in? It's been raining on and off for weeks and I haven't been able to.bring my Jackson outside because I'm scared about the rain
How bad of rain can you let them out in? It's been raining on and off for weeks and I haven't been able to.bring my Jackson outside because I'm scared about the rain

Yah the first rain freaked me out cuz it was just absolute pourage, but it backed off quick and has been sprinkling for a bit
Well in their natural envirment, if I'm not mistaken, they have to deal with downpours, sudden rain. Usually they would seek shelter in the plants. Now I'm not telling anyone what to do, or acting like I know it all. Some keepers leave their chameleons outside year round, some don't. If I was in better situation where I could let my boys outside (when I got them), and not have to worry about heat and my landlords; I would let them outside while its raining and bring them in if its thundering, lightning and winds were really out of control.

But that's me. Maybe the more experienced keepers will chime in.
The only type of storm where I wouldn't let them stay outside would be something akin to the hurricane storms we had last night, amid tornado warnings. The rain was coming in sideways and there was lightning everywhere. They definitely were brought in, lest we end up with fried chameleon nuggets.

But they've been outside through all the other spring showers so far, even if it pours decently. They don't seem to mind it, and it's doing my Meller's a world of good.
Your Mellers is probably loving it, making him feel at home!:D

In the past most of my Chams lived outdoors year round, just coverd the cages in the winter. Other Cham breeders I knew in my area did the same... Heck, and theres free food also! A small hole cut in the screen with a little bowl of wet dog food next to it inside the screen brings the fly's.

People have their own ways, but I do not bring in my Chams if it starts raining(unless its a major windy storm). I like the rain as much as the Chams, cleans the cages the best!
Do jacksons like rain? Or is it just different with each chameleon?
I think mine doesn't like the rain too much but I remember years and years ago when one of my best friends used to have a jackson's, they said that theirs should sit out in the rain with its mouth open.
You should have just left him.

However, I dont think its anything to be upset over! Dont let it ruin your day, some of us are in the middle of a drought! :)

I'm thinking by your location you are a Bedouin Nomadic person...you should be used to droughts.
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