Quick, Which Live plant should I get?!?!

Dylan Dutz

New Member
Today Im getting a live plant for my veileds cage, which one should I get? Im leaning towards a hibiscus, but Im not sure. What one would you reccommend, and why? Thanks so much
Schefflera is probably the best cage filler there is. Tolerates the lighting and moisture in a cage well, and provides a lot of foliage cover.

Hibiscus and Ficus are nice plants, but they don't grow brilliantly in a cage - they tend to get top heavy after a while and their foliage thins out quite a bit. If you rotate them with other plants (6 months in the cage, 6 months outside), they tend to fare a bit better.

Pothos is another plant that grows well in cages, but it is a vine, so it doesn't provide much climbing structure to the cham (but you could always just build your own perches). It is a great foliage filler when used as a compliment to other plants.

My own cages have Schefflera, Ficus, pothos, hibiscus, bougainvillea, camellia and croton in them.
im debating gettin rid of scheffeleras alltogether. If theyre watered by the misters 4 times a day they thin like crazy. If you water pothos alot they grow like crazy.
It seems like different plants work best for everyone, but I have a ficus and a Zebra plant. They both seem to do really well.
If you water pothos alot they grow like crazy.

LOL.. That is sooo true!

I have a ficus & pothos in one cage and a ficus, pothos and hibiscus in the other enclosure.

I've never had a ficus thin out or lose it's leaves on me. It's actually getting bigger and reaches to the top of the enclosure.

The only thing I've noticed with Hibiscus is that it needs a good amount of sun, otherwise, the leaves turn yellow & fall off but I like the strong, thicker branches.

When my cham was 2 months old I tried the schefflera arboricola (small one). My cham perched on one of the leaves and it fell off together with my cham. After that I stopped using it.

Maybe I'll get a bigger schefflera and try it out when I redo the enclosures.

The thing with the ficus is that when it grows up and out, I want to trim it but a white milky sap comes out so I would either have to seal it or not trim it at all.
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I have had the best luck with Schefflera. Good root drainage helps to keep them from drowning. They can develop nice 1/2" diameter branches for adult chameleons. Those branches can be trained to go sideways, making vine-like basking perches too. They're reasonably priced at the discount places like Home Depot, Lowe's and Wal-Mart etc. Get them as big as you can fit. Don't expect them to grow too quickly indoors. If the plant fails, try one from another store in the hopes that it was grown by a different supplier and may respond differently to our less than perfect lighting and watering environment. (Some stores have plant warranties.) They will drop some leaves but I have found that a good Schefflera will still do well for over a year or more. If the ones that you find are a bit short, just put them on top of something to raise them up higher. I suggest to always have potted plants raised up an inch or two for proper drainage, floor drying, cleaning access and to minimize insect hiding places.
I use hibiscus & Scheff. in my cages. I supplanet that with fake vines, and sanitized tree branches. The scheff. works best for me, but I like the thicker branches of the hibiscus (and my veiled likes to eat it). Good luck wth your choice.
i love hibiscus. always work for me.
They love wet condition provided that you raise the pot so the water won't flooded the root.
With dripper and mister, i don't think it would be a problem at all.
Plus, the flower gives a boost of vit C for my chameleon in case he eat it.
new plANT

ya im gonna need a new plant for my 4ft high cage too im going to walmart tonight to look for one i hope to find one that will be 4 ft high
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