quick question about cross breeding?


Established Member
so I was thinking to myself just a bit ago what if and I know this may be weird but what if a panther and a veiled were to breed with each other I know that it may not be possible but has it ever been tried that anyone knows of and did anything come of it? I know it may seem stupid to ask but it would be something interesting to see.
While the imagined image of a panther chamelen with a casque is neat, this is not possible in real life due to genetic differences of the different chameleon species. A veiled and a panther have been known to mate before but any eggs laid are infertile and no embryos ever develop. Even trying to mate these species is irresponsible and they could harm each other. Some very closely genetically related species have been known to interbreed, but this is very rare.
Ugh, you say that, but I really dislike the tall veiled casque, it would ruin panthers for me if they had it too. I'd be forced to only keep girls with daintier heads!
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