Question: about appetite


New Member
Quick question, do veiled chameleon appetites drastically change at 6 months? i recently change my guy to his adult cage about a week ago and ever since then he barley eats. He looks healthy and still has a fat belly but if i put 15 medium crickets in his feeder cup in the morning, by the time i get home in the afternoon he might of only picked out 3-4 of them? and he doesnt care for horn worms lately, before he would go bonkers for them. Do you think its because of age or new enclouser?
You changed him to a new environment so he may be adjusting. Give him around 3-6 days. By then he should be eating again.

However, when chameleons get older, they do tend to eat less.
My male veield did not get a change in an environment until he was almost 9 months old.
His appetite was never as voracious as the forum says it should have been. As a baby he only ate about 5-10 crickets a day, instead of the recommended 10-20 (though he was offered that much).
Now that he is 10 months old, his appetite has reduced more.
He only eats about 3-6 large crickets every other day, sometimes every two days. Though I offer him food everyday.
I think as long as he continuess to eat something, and he drinks normally, and doesnt look like hes losing weight, let him eat as much as he wants. or doesnt. :rolleyes:
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