Pygmy eating issues


New Member
I don't quite know much about pygmies.. or chameleons in general. This is the first time owning a chameleon for me. I have 3 pygmies I bought from a local petland. i got them in there terrarium, and they seemed fine.... AT FIRST.

The lady who helped me at petland was in a rush and it seemed she didnt know much about them. For food she supplied me with pheonix worms, superworms and pre-froze meal worms. later on after doing more research i found out they don't eat dead stuff. So meal worms were out the window. Later i found out that they preferred crickets.. So this solved a reason why they weren't eating.

Sadly one of the first three that i bought passed away the following morning after i got them. pet-land has a 30 day garuntee for all animals so i took the little guy back and they gave me a new one. Now after all the research i got everything they need but I still have a problem..... They aren't eating!! (I think?) the only one that eats food when i offer it is the new one that i got as the replacement.

The new Pygmy (Todd) has total different color and behavior then the others. Todd is constantly green and is always climbing in the high branchs and vines. My other two, Trudy and Theodore are always on the ground sleeping and they hide in the corners out of sight.

I never handle them except for the transfer to the new home and when I changed the bedding. Todd will always eat crickets from the tweezers and will stalk down the crickets if i let them loose in the cage. He ate three within an hour one day!! trudy and theodore both turn there heads away and move away when i offer them food. The crickets even crawl on them from time to time and they still don't move sometimes.
If they are sleeping it means they are sick or something else is wrong. I couldn't tell you what though, but please (PLEASE) do not buy from petland.
It would help us soooo much if you could posyt pictures of all the chameleons. We also need to know ur temps, humidity, tank size, any and all details you can give us. And is it just me or does it sound like the green one might be a baby veiled? Maybe its just me. IF i were you i would take the chameleons back to petland, get your money back. Do a few weeks of real good internet and forums research and buy some pygmy chameleons online or at a show. Shoot i have some eggs incubating right now if you are interested. Shoot me a pm and ill try to help you out as much as possible.
Yeah, Petland has recently flooded Canada with Pygmies (yay! - not). Send pics if you can, as I wonder about what the green one is. It may be stressing the others out. Keep bugging Petland about your concerns, so IF they die you can get your money back and not more sick chams. Pygmies are pretty good eaters, and small crickets are usually eaten up pretty quick. If crickets are crawling on them they are in pretty bad shape. PM me if you like. I'm in Winnipeg.
It would help us soooo much if you could posyt pictures of all the chameleons. We also need to know ur temps, humidity, tank size, any and all details you can give us. And is it just me or does it sound like the green one might be a baby veiled? Maybe its just me. IF i were you i would take the chameleons back to petland, get your money back. Do a few weeks of real good internet and forums research and buy some pygmy chameleons online or at a show. Shoot i have some eggs incubating right now if you are interested. Shoot me a pm and ill try to help you out as much as possible.

He's in Canada, so you won't be able to send yours up.
I wouldnt worry about tweezer feeding, let the bugs loose. Mine love the chase, it really stimulates them into feeding.

The big hand with tweezers could be stressing them out
It would help us soooo much if you could posyt pictures of all the chameleons. We also need to know ur temps, humidity, tank size, any and all details you can give us. And is it just me or does it sound like the green one might be a baby veiled? Maybe its just me. IF i were you i would take the chameleons back to petland, get your money back. Do a few weeks of real good internet and forums research and buy some pygmy chameleons online or at a show. Shoot i have some eggs incubating right now if you are interested. Shoot me a pm and ill try to help you out as much as possible.

I agree post pictures of the pygs and the set up, it will help us out. The green one might be a different breed of pygmy or chameleon, it could be stressing the others out.

PS. Are you sure they are sleeping? My husband thinks the pygmys are so boring because they don't run around a lot, they are kind of slow moving for the most part. (at least in my experience)
The temp ranges between 75 degrees and 80 degrees around 82 with the sunlamp from time to time. humidity is never over 70 and is almost always at 60 and never drops below that. ill post pictures soon i dont wanna handle them to get the photos. the two seem really stressed as it is.
Your temps are too high, you want low to mid 70's. 80's for sustained periods will stress and kill.
Yeah. it's really bothering me. theodore moves around but stays to his corner mostly and i think i may have caught him eating once or i could be wrong it look like he was just clearing his throat or something like that. It's trudy who im worried about. She barley moves at all. she is always sleeping and the right eye is always closed... (p.s. i dont even know what sex these chameleons are or how old.. the new one todd cam into petland 3 weeks before i got him and the otherones they have not info on... definetly not going to pet land anymore)
The temp ranges between 75 degrees and 80 degrees around 82 with the sunlamp from time to time. humidity is never over 70 and is almost always at 60 and never drops below that. ill post pictures soon i dont wanna handle them to get the photos. the two seem really stressed as it is.

Maybe you can try and get pics without handling them? Do you have a phone that can take pics? A picture of that green one would be helpful.
I agree with julirs, your temps are too high. And it sounds as if your humidity may be too. Are you using a humidifier or spraying?

They need "small" crix, not neccessarily pin-heads, but small. At times I even sprinkle in fruit flys to mix it up. Others even use isopods.

They don't really need a heat lamp. A 2.0 strip UVB will give off enough heat and UVB.

There are several pyg keepers on here that can give you better advise.

...and remember pics will really help.
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