possibly eggbound veiled?


New Member
Thanks in advance for any help I can get on this. I have a female veiled about 9 months old. The last couple of days she hasn't eaten much, actually only 2 crickets in 3 days. I am sure she is eggbound because yesterday she laid one egg. I have not bred her yet so they ar infertile eggs. I have sand in the cage for her to dig and lay her eggs, but so far with no luck. I am wondering if there is anything I can do to assist her in laying her eggs, I am hoping she does not die from this. Her behavior seems ok, she is crawling around alot on the ground, but does not seem lethargic or anything like that. Is there anything I can do?
buy a 35 gal trash can and some supersoil.(organic soil)....fill it up about 12-24 inches with supersoil.give her a perch/or plant.. set up your lighting and leave her in there for a day or two..
The sand needs to be deep and pretty wet (so she can make a tunnel.)
She needs to be left alone so she feels safe (privacy)
You can put her in a separate laying bin, or wrap her cage with paper so she can't see out and be disturbed.
Read the breeding article and the keeping a female article here:


Thanks to all who helped me, she finally laid her eggs. around 25 of them.
Thanks again for all the help.
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