Poop, protozoa and disinfecting.....

About a week ago I introduced Silkworms as one of 3 staple (crickets and dubia being the other two) to our Stuart's diet. He off an on developed some loose stools which I attributed to the worms but to be safe, off to the vet he went on Saturday. His fecal did in fact show an abundance of protozoa, so he was given a dose of Flagyl and I take a fecal in this Saturday for retest.

I clean his poop every day since I have had him and at most it may sit there from morning until late afternoon when I come home from work....I am lucky that Stuart seems to travel to one of his lower branches and hang his butt off to poo so it often lands on the screen floor. Twice he has pooped from up high and it got on branches and or leaves.

I am just a little paranoid now about making sure his environment is as clean as possible. I am purchasing a second screen from Bill Strand to be able to switch and disinfect the floor everyday however, my question is....aside from just wiping the poop off with a damp paper towel what is the best way to do a mini spot disinfect while he might still be in the cage?
Also, with silkworms in the diet should I always expect loose stools here and there?

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