Please help! Very urgent!


New Member
We recently got a chameleon through weird circumstances and we have no idea how to take care of him/her (we aren't sure). We don't know how old it is and we don't have the proper living conditions. We thought it was a girl so we called her Miki. I feel like I'm the only one who is really attached to Miki. She is staying at my aunties house in an old rusted bird cage. I don't see her much (maybe once a week) and I can't really take care of her at my house. There are constantly babies running around and trying to poke her. She is always pretty black and rarely turns green. The times when she is most green is when she is in my hand and I am holding her in the sun. Her current living conditions are just the bird cage with two wood sticks at different levels to climb and some branches with leaves which we change out. I think she has a lot of room but I don't know.. We keep her in shade but she does get sunlight sometimes in the day. I was reading online and I think she might be too cold? Do we need one of those special reptile cages? We feed her crickets. Not many a day. She hasn't been eating a lot recently. For water we just spray the leaves in the cage with water. I'm really worried for her. I thought she was happy because in my hand she would close her eyes but I'm worried it might be MBD. I'm starting to think she isn't sleeping. When we got her she was very plump and happy but in the past 2 and 1/2 weeks she has gotten much skinnier. I don't think she's happy. Is it better to release her in the wild or take her to a pet store or is there someone I can take her to in Hawaii? Does anyone have some connections for people in Hawaii who can take care of her. This is kind of urgent. Today I had her resting on a tree and I took her off and she didn't even open her eyes! She just clung to me and then I placed her in the cage on a branch and she kind of felt her way up.. I'm seriously concerned. Please reply and if you know of any places to take her in Hawaii on the island of Oahu please let me know. I am desperate.

I don't think anyone in the family has enough time in their lives for a big commitment. I thought it would be easy to take care of her but after reading online, I think it would be quite hard.
please fill this form so we can figure out whats going on:

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
Location - Where are you geographically located?

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - I really have no idea. Green and black. I'll post a picture of when she was healthy. In my care (aunties care) for about 2 and 1/2 weeks.
Handling - Not at my house but when I'm at my aunties house I hold it because I thought it was happy..
Feeding - Crickets from the pet store. No set amount but heard it only needs 10 a week? I think we've been feeding a bit more.
Supplements - None..
Watering - When I go I mist the leaves a lot. I'm not sure how much the others at the house have been doing it.
Fecal Description - Not sure about testing and I think it's just black? I can't remember.
History - Don't know any history. Got confiscated off a plane (someone had in carryon) and my cousin ended up with it to "take care of" or to find a home for so we kept it.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Metal (rusty) screen. Old bird cage. Pretty big.
Lighting - None. Didn't know we needed any. Sunlight for a few hours a day.
Temperature - No idea. Outside all the time. Probably gets kind of cold. I live in Hawaii.
Humidity - Hawaii humidity?
Plants - Cut branches of living plants. Puakinikini and some kind of pine. Just branches with leaves.
Placement - top of cage 2 and 1/2 feet off the ground. In a high traffic area. Next to the yard. Baby kids run around a lot.
Location - Hawaii

Current Problem - Miki has been closing its eyes and I thought it was sleeping but I realized that maybe its sick. I don't think it has been given any proper care AT ALL since coming into our possession. I would like to find it a safe home in Hawaii. If anyone knows of pet stores or has any ideas of places on the mainland or in general? I don't think the family has enough time to take care of Miki.
When we first got miki.
June 15


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Can you post a picture to see which species and gender your chameleon is?

To improve the bad situation right now, you could first put plants and more branches into the cage. Chameleons need lots of plants to hide, otherwise they're stressed. Black colour means your chameleon doesn't feel comfortable at all. Living inside the house in a cage she needs special lamps, some just for lighntning and some especially for UVB. Without UVB they get sick soon. If you don't got those yet, place the cage oustide (half sun, half shadow) for first help. Please don't handle the chameleon if not necessary. A chameleon closing its eyes is no sign of good feeling, it's the worst case. If this happened not only once, please visit a reptile vet.

Can you fill out the how to ask for help form for further informations about your setup?

Edit: Ah, you already filled the form and posted a picture. Great.

Miki from earlier today June 29.
I feel so bad right now. Does anyone know if Chameleons have a lot of feelings? What exactly do the closed eyes mean..

Honestly not to sound awful but I've been worried that she was going to drop dead at any moment. I don't want that to happen and if I can put her in someone else's care that would be totally fine.

Edit: I don't think there are many reptile vets in Hawaii considering it's hawaii and most are illegal. Chameleons are invasive and not exactly wanted but they are present. We have no snakes and no wild crocs or alligators. We have wild toads and frogs but I don't think those count for needing a vet.


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Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - I really have no idea. Green and black. I'll post a picture of when she was healthy. In my care (aunties care) for about 2 and 1/2 weeks.
Handling - Not at my house but when I'm at my aunties house I hold it because I thought it was happy.Probably a vieled chamaleon but i would like to see a recent pic to se her /his condition.does it have a casquest?
Feeding - Crickets from the pet store. No set amount but heard it only needs 10 a week? I think we've been feeding a bit more.depending on age but if its female it will need less food. plus you need to gutload crickets with veggies and fruits before you offer as food
Supplements -well this is very important you need to use repashy calcium plus daily dusting every criket or : calcium with d3 twice per month ,multivitamin twice per month and daily plain calcium
Watering - When I go I mist the leaves a lot. I'm not sure how much the others at the house have been doing must add a drippr too
Fecal Description - Not sure about testing and I think it's just black? I can't remember.its made from 2 part -the fecales that are brown/black and urates that must be white - if the urates are orange or yellow the cham is dehidrated.
History - Don't know any history. Got confiscated off a plane (someone had in carryon) and my cousin ended up with it to "take care of" or to find a home for so we kept it.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Metal (rusty) screen. Old bird cage. Pretty big.alo need to see a pic with the enclosure ,if its rusted you need to change it or use some paint or other stuff
Lighting - None. Didn't know we needed any. Sunlight for a few hours a need a 5.0 UVB tube or bulb so the cham can syntetise calcium in the bones and you also need a basking bulb
Temperature - No idea. Outside all the time. Probably gets kind of cold. I live in need a thermometer to masure the temperature at basking spot and ambiental cage temp the temps must be 75-80 F ambiental cage temp and at basking spot 88-90F but if the cham is female you will need to lower the basking temps
Humidity - Hawaii humidity?cage humidity- you can masure that with a hygrometer
Plants - Cut branches of living plants. Puakinikini and some kind of pine. Just branches with cant use coniferous plus the branches that you get from outside you will need to clean them
Placement - top of cage 2 and 1/2 feet off the ground. In a high traffic area. Next to the yard. Baby kids run around a lot.
Location - Hawaii

Current Problem - Miki has been closing its eyes and I thought it was sleeping but I realized that maybe its sick. I don't think it has been given any proper care AT ALL since coming into our possession. I would like to find it a safe home in Hawaii. If anyone knows of pet stores or has any ideas of places on the mainland or in general? I don't think the family has enough time to take care of Miki.

well yes you didnt care proper for him/her but you are in the right place . please post pics as soon as you can so we can see what kind of cham you got ,what age ,whats the problem and to figure out the sex ! thank you
Honestly I think what I need is a good suggestion for where to put Miki. Miki will die (I know) if she/he stays in our care. I have no idea where though. I don't think the rest of my family is as attached. I don't need to keep her I just want to have her live and be healthy. I know that I am not in a situation where I can commit to a pet. I know the rest of the family isn't either. What do I do. If I release her in the wild she will probably die right? I feel so bad right now. I know it's not my fault. Not even my pet. We actually saved her from being frozen to death. She was confiscated from an airplane flight which someone snuck her onto to take back to the mainland.
i guess that is a meller's chameleon female .
i do not know much about them ,maybe another member with more experience with this chams can tell you more !

the bottom line you need to make some changes asap !
1st i suggest to get some foliage in the cage, thermometer,hygrometer, suplementes,uvb bulb,uv bulb and probably you will need to change the cage!
i dont know what temps are in hawai but porbablu prety high right now - its best not to put the cham in direct sunlight if temps get to high and the cham must get some shade to cool off!

read this :
you can donate her to someone who can take a proper care and give her a healthy happy life. or you can just try to make everything posibile and keep her with the right conditions .
closed eyes during daytime is a bad sign- something is wrong .
no proper food, no proper lighs,no proper temps, no proper sumplements etc -these all made your cham sick -go to a vet and get the right things ! or just donate her
closed eyes during daytime is a bad sign- something is wrong .
no proper food, no proper lighs,no proper temps, no proper sumplements etc -these all made your cham sick -go to a vet and get the right things ! or just donate her

Do you have any idea where I can donate her? I know things are quite bad right now. Like dire. I'm so sorry. I feel awful. Thank you for all the help. I need someone who can take her. I don't know who. I don't think my family cares..
well if you say you cant take a proper care for her i guess someone from this forum will . someone will get her and care for her ! wish you the best finding someone who will care for her !
well if you say you cant take a proper care for her i guess someone from this forum will . someone will get her and care for her ! wish you the best finding someone who will care for her !

Thank you for your optimism. And really thank you for your time and help. I feel so awful right now. I hope things can work out. If you know anyone in Hawaii who might be interested please let me know. I'm going to try and call the VCA which is listed on the Herp Vet Connection tomorrow morning. Please pray or wish or think good thoughts about Miki. I feel so bad for her right now and shes not even at my house so i can't change her living conditions. I'm sorry for bothering you. Thank you.
maybe you can create a new thread called "cham for adoption - hawaii"? Maybe more people will read and someone will take her. As for now, try to improve her contitions as much as you can.
Don't blame yourself, you are doing what you can, hopefully someone will take her from you soon!
maybe you can create a new thread called "cham for adoption - hawaii"? Maybe more people will read and someone will take her. As for now, try to improve her contitions as much as you can.
Don't blame yourself, you are doing what you can, hopefully someone will take her from you soon!

i second that make a new thread with that tittle.
wish you luck
Looks like a female Jackson. If you dont know anybody that would be willing to give her the prober care, how about setting her free? There are jaksons on Hawaii anyway, and she is probaply wildcaught in Hawaii anyway.
I found a very good organisation who will be able to help you if you call them. She does look like a Jackson, but I'm not experienced enough to know what subspecies, but you should absolutely not release her, they are not native to Hawaii and are illegal to possess. Give them a call and they will advise you how to proceed. She does not look well, she is very dehydrated and needs more care and attention, as you say. You came to the right place for advice, I'm so glad you want a better life for her.

The Jackson's chameleon is originally from Africa, but after originally being brought in for the pet trade, they have managed to establish themselves on a number of different islands within the State. The are technically illegal to possess, but still quite common in the local pet trade. They are also frequently captured and sold to the pet trade out of State. They require special care and most captured animals eventually get sick and die or are released back into the wild.
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