Plants for my enclosure


New Member
Hello, plant collector here! I have over 200 plants and I just got a baby ambilobe Panther Chameleon. I’ve noticed the recommended plants to put in their enclosure is a pretty short list of Scheffleras, golden pothos, types of ficus’, etc. But I have many MANY plants that are not on that list that I would love to put in his enclosure. Such as aglaonemas, philodendrons, monsteras, scindapsus pictus, pilea Peperomiodes, ZZ plants, just to name a few. My plants that are full grown and would give lots of climbing space and coverage aren’t really on the list of recommend plants. Are these safe to put in my chameleon enclosure? It doesn’t really help to look up plants that are toxic to cats because there you’ll find Scheffleras and golden pothos on that list which are clearly fine for chameleons. I’m also setting up his free range area in my living room which will be full of live plants. I guess my question is, are there any plants that I should definitely avoid and keep away from him? I also have many outside plants, and I often let him hang out in the plumeria trees, they’re the only outside trees that I have besides my lemon tree which has many thorns. I’ve seen the recommended list of plants for chams many times, there just doesn’t seem to be much variety on there (to a plant collector). I’ve included below a couple pictures of plants that I would love to add to his enclosure that aren’t on the recommended plants list. (Pilea Peperomiodes, monstera deliciosa & monstera adonsonii, aglaonema silver bay)
You have a panther so you will not deal with what those of us that have Veileds deal with. Panthers do not eat their plants like a Veiled will. So for you it is understanding the plants your going to use. Making sure that they are not toxic as in produce a sap that may irritate them. IF it produces something harmful to a cat or dog then the risk is the same with a cham. If you have an extensive understanding in plants and know what each ones do then you can use your best judgement being as how you have a panther and not a veiled.

The reason why there are not extensive correct chameleon plant lists is that it would mean multiple keepers trying plants that have the potential to kill a cham because they are not typically used with them. So like the list below at this link is based fully on many keepers using these specific plants with their chameleons.
All parts of the ZZ are toxic and cause contact dermatitis, so ddef dont use that in a cham cage (but such a rad plant).

Philodendrons, Monstera, Scind, Algaonema, Pilea are ok. They have the same level/type of toxicity as pothos, which is low and not severe. I have many Monstera and Philodendrons in my enclosures - theyre perfect for chameleon setups!

Other species of plant can be more toxic though - definitely avoid ZZ... whar ele were you thinking?
Also, for your mature plants, keep in mind that the chameleons will tear them up a bit between their nails and accidental (or intentional) leaf tears while eating bugs on them. Just in case you have any you cant bear to see damaged. I have some huge pink princesses in Clarice’s cage, and my plant friends lose their mind that I’d let her climb on it :p
All parts of the ZZ are toxic and cause contact dermatitis, so ddef dont use that in a cham cage (but such a rad plant).

Philodendrons, Monstera, Scind, Algaonema, Pilea are ok. They have the same level/type of toxicity as pothos, which is low and not severe. I have many Monstera and Philodendrons in my enclosures - theyre perfect for chameleon setups!

Other species of plant can be more toxic though - definitely avoid ZZ... whar ele were you thinking?
I knew you’d know! :D I dub thee, forum Plant Maven. ?
Then I guess I'm covered, though it's not the tree version (and see below).


Today I tried arranging the plants I bought for the enclosure, but it appears I may have been a little too ambitious—no way they'll all fit in there. Not shown are the mass cane (and 4 other dracaenas), the Tradescantia zebrina, pitcher plant (species undetermined), spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum), and a couple more that escape me ATM.

I REALLY like some of those fancy-schmancy philodendrons; unfortunately they also have some pretty fancy-schmancy price tags, so I had to forgo them.

The whole "safe/unsafe for chameleons" thing has me beside myself with confusion & contradictions.
For example (and I know this has come up before, yet it still engenders consternation), Wikipedia's entry for Schefflera arboricola:
Schefflera poisoning is due to the species containing "sharp" calcium oxalate crystals that are insoluble and damage the cells and tissues of the animals ingesting them. Depending on the amount that a pet consumes, the resulting damage (swelling) of exposed tissues and digestive tract may be fatal to the animal. For their own safety, children and household pets should be kept away from consuming this plant.

Due to the misuse and confusion of the common name "Umbrella Plant" or "Umbrella Tree" this species has been mistakenly included on many internet lists as "safe plants" for reptile keepers. The presence of oxalate crystals is a known issue and consumption can be regarded potentially serious as the calcium oxalate crystals can significantly damage liver and kidneys of the animals ingesting any part of this or related Schefflera species. Symptoms in pets can include: cardiac arrhythmia, diarrhea, vomiting, dilated eyes, difficulty swallowing, excessive drooling, hoarse barking, labored breathing, loss of appetite, numbness of exposed area(s), obstruction of the airway, pawing/rubbing at the face or mouth and the swelling of the tongue and lips.

But wait.... there's MORE! o_O

Then there's the List of Plants That Can Be Toxic To Reptiles from Reptiles Magazine, which includes things like Cherry, Horse Chestnut, Oak, Red Maple, virtually all of the fruit trees (bark), any of which would make dandy branches, and Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) and English Ivy—perennials (pun intended) of enclosure-makers.

Then I guess I'm covered, though it's not the tree version (and see below).

View attachment 276867

Today I tried arranging the plants I bought for the enclosure, but it appears I may have been a little too ambitious—no way they'll all fit in there. Not shown are the mass cane (and 4 other dracaenas), the Tradescantia zebrina, pitcher plant (species undetermined), spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum), and a couple more that escape me ATM.

I REALLY like some of those fancy-schmancy philodendrons; unfortunately they also have some pretty fancy-schmancy price tags, so I had to forgo them.

The whole "safe/unsafe for chameleons" thing has me beside myself with confusion & contradictions.
For example (and I know this has come up before, yet it still engenders consternation), Wikipedia's entry for Schefflera arboricola:

But wait.... there's MORE! o_O

Then there's the List of Plants That Can Be Toxic To Reptiles from Reptiles Magazine, which includes things like Cherry, Horse Chestnut, Oak, Red Maple, virtually all of the fruit trees (bark), any of which would make dandy branches, and Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) and English Ivy—perennials (pun intended) of enclosure-makers.
Very that a Dragon Strand enclosure? It looks huge!
Then I guess I'm covered, though it's not the tree version (and see below).

View attachment 276867

Today I tried arranging the plants I bought for the enclosure, but it appears I may have been a little too ambitious—no way they'll all fit in there. Not shown are the mass cane (and 4 other dracaenas), the Tradescantia zebrina, pitcher plant (species undetermined), spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum), and a couple more that escape me ATM.

I REALLY like some of those fancy-schmancy philodendrons; unfortunately they also have some pretty fancy-schmancy price tags, so I had to forgo them.

The whole "safe/unsafe for chameleons" thing has me beside myself with confusion & contradictions.
For example (and I know this has come up before, yet it still engenders consternation), Wikipedia's entry for Schefflera arboricola:

But wait.... there's MORE! o_O

Then there's the List of Plants That Can Be Toxic To Reptiles from Reptiles Magazine, which includes things like Cherry, Horse Chestnut, Oak, Red Maple, virtually all of the fruit trees (bark), any of which would make dandy branches, and Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) and English Ivy—perennials (pun intended) of enclosure-makers.

Calcium Oxalates are present in just about every popular cham plant, and at the same time, scares people away from trying others.

They are present in pothos, philodendron, monstera, scind, algaonema, and lots more. The general consensus is that you’d need to eat a lot of it to suffer any symptoms (which can be as mild as upset stomach and excess salivation).

Schefflera Amate is a great cham plant. Arbicola is not my fav in terms of look, but its very functional thanks to its thick stems.
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