

New Member
i have looked on the internet but i could not find this anywere.

i was wandering if i could put a grape vine in my chams cage?

dose anyone know if grape vines are toxic if ingested?
grape vines are fine
I've had my first chams chewing on them
the only problem is that they require full light. and are best outdoors
with non tropical species.
Grape leaves are used as a wrap in a weird Italian dish. I forget what it's called. But yeah not poisonous.
I love dolmathes (pronounced dtho mah tha s) its kind of like a hamburger with onion and other spices in a meaty ball type formed wrapped in a grape leaf and boiled =]
Theres a very similiar arabic dish called "Warruh Einab" which translates literally to "paper of grapes".

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