pictures of symptoms of dehydration


New Member
I hear about all the symptoms of dehydrated chameleons, but I'm just not sure what exactly sunken eyes look like. Does anyone have pics of a dehydrated chameleon or know where to find them?
I don't think mine is dehydrated, but I've only seen him drink once and he is eating quite a few leaves. I would just like to know what I am looking for just in case.
It's pretty severe and this cham is no longer alive, but there are pictures of what you want to see in the health forum.
Posted recently by Curly titled "eye update"
As I said the sunken eyes are pretty bad, but you can see what is being referred to and where the "sunkeness" occurs.
I had a hard time looking at these pictures.

Thanks Heika.
Your links make it easier, although I'm not going to click on them.
I can't stand to look at those pictures again.

I hear about all the symptoms of dehydrated chameleons, but I'm just not sure what exactly sunken eyes look like...

I'll add that severe dehydration will likely have sunken eyes as a symptom but that sunken eyes is often a symptom of any severe health problem and even just severe stress without an underlying health issue at all can cause sunken eyes. It all depends...:(.
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