Pics from vet


I must say they both did very well :) Derpy was a taaad upset at first but once I set him on the bone model you see in the pics he settled down. Vet called me a genious for doing that LOL

Derpy (jackson) weighed in at 105g and Mojo (panther) at 128g
Derpy is about 2- 2.5 years old and Mojo is about to turn 1 in Feb.

Are those weights okay? The vet didn't say anything about their weight and she said they bothed looked really good.

Thanks for looking!! I sure love to share them :) I don't have any.. human children so these are my pride and joy :D


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Yes! Derpy was ready to get the hell out of there... this looks says it all!!!


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They look great and to answer your question, those weights look well within the normal ranges.

Fun pics for sure!!
Awwww, my Jackson (Monty) is about the same age as your lovely Derpy (love that name!) and he weighs just under 100g. Jacksons are totally adorable! :D
Are they ok in sight of each other, my two puff up and and on goes the war paint as soon as they catch sight of one another, I have to stagger their free range times so their paths don't cross.
Thanks for sharing the photos :)

How long have you been caring for Derpy?

I have had Derpy for about a year and a half now. I saved him from PetSmart Aug 2012. He looked only a few months old at the time but I have never known how old he truly is. I've attached my very first picture of him, on day one... when I thought he needed a red bulb lol.


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