Petco Baby Crested Hatched! Evil Baby!


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So back in mid December, I was strolling through a Petco in town and checked out the reptile department. I work at a Petco in town, but not this particular store. Well they had a few adult super generic crested geckos and it was two adult males and a female. I checked out the female, and she was definitely gravid so I was like, heck why not. I bought her cause I wanted to give hatching and raising a baby or two a shot. About a week after I bought the female, she laid. Well, one of the eggs went bad a few weeks in, but the other one held in there. Well today I checked in the hovabator at the deli cups containing the eggs, and this cute little guy was in there staring back at me.

Awww so cute, but then when I reached in to pick him up the evil side opened up!

Are the babies always this mean?! He jump and tried to me and I jerked my arm and squealed like a little girl to avoid being bit by those terrifying jaws! I hear the babies can be kind of tricky, so if anyone can give me any pointers, I would appreciate it! Here are some more photos!

They are just incredibly scared, how would you feel if you just came into the world and things were already grabbing you? :D

Very interesting color, most of my babies come out red and dull down to a brown, who knows what you will get with that one! Keep us updated!!

When my last two eggs hatched they were quite feisty, but give it a couple days.
Let it settle in, and try holding it 5 minutes a day, 10 minutes a day, then 15 minutes a day.
They are now both the calmest little babies in the world. :)
I think I can see his lungs in there! lol
Very cute little baby with 'tude. Thinks he's such a tough guy. Can't help but love it! Good luck, babies are fun.
Nice Pictures

The Dime looks Super Sized next to him.

I think I can see his lungs in there! lol
Very cute little baby with 'tude. Thinks he's such a tough guy. Can't help but love it! Good luck, babies are fun.

I was going to say the same thing.
That's interesting (and nice pics by the way...). None of my babies have ever been like that. They are skittish, yes, but I have never had one gape at me like that. This little tyke certainly has some attitude, that's for sure. :)
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