Pet stores can be rediculas sometimes...


New Member
So be warned take some time to read this if your intrested, ill start off with whats going on.

So i went to a pet store the other day and other days and seen a female panther. she looks so stressed and has nothing to climb on or really hide in and a huge waterbowl that could fit about 4 more chameleons her size inside (shes about 5 months old) i finally complained to the reptile manager and asked about the lighting and all and he pretty much looked at me like i was retarded and said everythings fine and nothing needs to change. Here are the emails.

Hello. My name is Matt and i would like to bring to the attention that i am very concerned for the care you are putting on your female panterh chameleon, I noticed that she has no basking bulb, the UVB Bulb you are using is innapropriate and from what i reasearched can cause eye irratation, and her vines are about 3 inches off the ground. She has a small plant that she can barley hide in and sites in coconut husk all day witch can cause her impaction, the waterbowl in her terrarium is extremely large and should not even be used, i would recomend misting and a dripping system/fogger of some sort and i really hope they are gettting fed properly and getting proper suppliments. Also she looks extremley stressed every time i visit the store and feel ever so bad for her, id also like to ask about all the other reptiles as they also do not look like they are in the greatest condition, iv noticed a crack in one of the doors of a display that could lead to an escape and the general care of all your reptiles is not that appealing. thanks for your time and i would gladly like to come in and re arrange your displayys (espicially the chameleons) or if you guys could do so that would be much appreciated to a valued customer.

The Store Manager: Good morning,

My name is xxxxx and I am the store manager at the Pj's Pets location in the Scarborough Town Centre. I'm sorry to hear your visit to our store was disappointing!

I've taken some time to investigate each of your concerns with my Reptile Supervisor. Our reptile enclosures were designed specifically for reptiles, and are used throughout the entire company. All of the reptiles have the recommended lighting, fresh water, and are fed as required. They also receive supplements as required.

As for the Panther Chameleon, the staff have added some extra climbing branches, thank you for your suggestion. I understand that Chameleons don't require a water dish, but we provide a dish of water for all our animals, as not all customer are as knowledgable as yourself, and they may not understand that the Chameleons get their water from misting alone. I assure you our Chameleon is in great condition, and eats wonderfully.

The cracked unit which you've mentioned is in need of repair. It poses no threat to the animals, but a new door has been ordered, we are awaiting it's arrival.

Thank you for taking the time to voice your concerns,

Store Manager

Now after reading this i went into the store to check out the changes they made and what do i see? They threw a big stick on the ground and thats about that. I hate pet stores...
It's frustrating seeing things like this, as pet owners and educated individuals on the care that our reptiles require.

However, what needs to be understood is that these petstores are not in the business of housing and retaining these animals for prolonged periods of time. I'm not condoning this practice but it's the truth.

What worries me most about that email is the response that they have a water dish because most customers are not as knowledgable as yourself. What do they do when someone asks questions?

Possibly offer your services as writing up a general care sheet on how to prepare for owning a chameleon. This could help the stores as well as future owners. :)
I'd def email him back, even if just to point out that by having a water dish in the chams enclosure that instead of educating and promoting correct care they are misleading their customers and potential cham owners.

I doubt they care (sadly hate to say it), but always worth a shot.
well the thing is the cham has been there for so long! its a small store and i doubt the people who go in there have 299 bucks for a chameleon. its more of a furry animal store. even still i have yet to email them back but when i do i am definatly going to consider bringing up a care sheet and reminding them about the water bowl
Well good for you for at least bringing it to their attention. As reptile enthusiast all we can do is try to educate those who want to learn; but you can't teach someone who already knows everything!!! Keep up the good work and i would absolutely go in again and ask to speak to the manager. I've done that before and actually got somewhere. Just because it's done in ALL of the other stores, doesn't make it correct. If you can, go on different cham websites, download their caresheets, and bring them to the manager. Then it's not "just you" saying it, it's several chameleon breeders/keepers. Good luck.
Don't buy from them then. In addition to emailing them to inform them (perhaps bring in a care sheet?) don't support their store/company by buying from them. By from good pet stores or pet stores that don't sell animals.
Hey, I think that what you did was great, and I am just as disappointed as you are in the way that it was dealt with.

Recently, my boyfriend and I were at Big Al's in Kitchener and in a dark corner, we saw a small chameleon female chameleon for sale. She had no lights on her, she had her eyes closed/sunken in (in the middle of the day) and she had no water dish, one branch, no foliage and a dead cricket in the bottom where feces were scattered everywhere. We immediately flagged down an employee, and began expressing our concern over the improper care of the animal. He quickly interjected and Condescendingly CLAIMED that she was a "special chameleon species that didn't require lights". My boyfriend and I said to the employee "She's a female, and she needs light, and an egglaying bin to lay her eggs" (she looked egg bound) and "She doesnt need to metabolize anything?" The employee walked away from us. Most of their animals' tanks were dirty and some of the animals seemed very ill. Just a warning to anyone who wants to support them. We usually go to Global Exotic Pets in Kitchener (Thats where we got Zephyr and our two cresties) and also like PC Pets. Support the locals!

On another note, I had a friend in highschool that worked at PJ Pets in Square One, Mississauga and she had to quit because it was too hard for her to see at least a puppy die every week. :( I wish that they had better government regulations for the care of animals, including reptiles.
Hey, I think that what you did was great, and I am just as disappointed as you are in the way that it was dealt with.

Recently, my boyfriend and I were at Big Al's in Kitchener and in a dark corner, we saw a small chameleon female chameleon for sale. She had no lights on her, she had her eyes closed/sunken in (in the middle of the day) and she had no water dish, one branch, no foliage and a dead cricket in the bottom where feces were scattered everywhere. We immediately flagged down an employee, and began expressing our concern over the improper care of the animal. He quickly interjected and Condescendingly CLAIMED that she was a "special chameleon species that didn't require lights". My boyfriend and I said to the employee "She's a female, and she needs light, and an egglaying bin to lay her eggs" (she looked egg bound) and "She doesnt need to metabolize anything?" The employee walked away from us. Most of their animals' tanks were dirty and some of the animals seemed very ill. Just a warning to anyone who wants to support them. We usually go to Global Exotic Pets in Kitchener (Thats where we got Zephyr and our two cresties) and also like PC Pets. Support the locals!

On another note, I had a friend in highschool that worked at PJ Pets in Square One, Mississauga and she had to quit because it was too hard for her to see at least a puppy die every week. :( I wish that they had better government regulations for the care of animals, including reptiles.

ya it really sucks :( i mean there is a big als here in toronto(where i buy all the supplies) that has a female ambilobe and they have a great setup for her but she sleeps in the daytime when i go sometimes. i wonder what could be wrong with her but today after i took a visit she was moving around and looked healthy.
I bet the manager didn't know anything about chams until you said something. He probably had to do some research before he got back to you.
Just two days ago I had spoken to a Petsmart manager about the same UVB coiled bulbs you mentioned. One of the biggest pet store chains where I am were not aware that these bulbs can cause eye problems, even blindness. I informed the manager about this; Let's see if they actually pull the bulbs off the shelves. Does anyone know if they cause problems with all species of lizards other than chams? I assume they do. I've always stuck with linear ones with all the different types of lizards I've had throughout the years.
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