

New Member
So I know this may not be a question that can be given a definitive answer, but i'd be curious to hear from everyones personal experiences

My guy is a little over 6 months old now and I'm wondering if the personality he's got right now is pretty much the one that he'll continue to have?

I ask because he seems to be becoming more and more afraid of me and I can't seem to understand why. After the first couple weeks he started hand feeding and would hide occasionally when I would come into the room, but would usually come out to grab a cricket or something.

And now for the past month or so not only will he hide almost every time I come into the room he has absolutely no interest in hand feeding at all. I rarely handle him and when I do I never pick him up from above or anything and the times I have handled him it was to take him outside for some sun.

I have done nothing different whatsoever with him or in my interactions with him so I was just curious as to why this shift may have occurred? I know no one can give me a direct answer, but I'd appreciate any thoughts on the matter

Do you ever give him time out side of the cage? I interact with my guys daily and they are loaded with personality.....always have been. :)
So I know this may not be a question that can be given a definitive answer, but i'd be curious to hear from everyones personal experiences

My guy is a little over 6 months old now and I'm wondering if the personality he's got right now is pretty much the one that he'll continue to have?

I ask because he seems to be becoming more and more afraid of me and I can't seem to understand why. After the first couple weeks he started hand feeding and would hide occasionally when I would come into the room, but would usually come out to grab a cricket or something.

And now for the past month or so not only will he hide almost every time I come into the room he has absolutely no interest in hand feeding at all. I rarely handle him and when I do I never pick him up from above or anything and the times I have handled him it was to take him outside for some sun.

I have done nothing different whatsoever with him or in my interactions with him so I was just curious as to why this shift may have occurred? I know no one can give me a direct answer, but I'd appreciate any thoughts on the matter


His hormones are kicking in which can change the way he views his world. I think chams go through a sort of adolescence when they are starting to think they could be the master of their turf but are not totally convinced yet. The way they view other creatures (like you) is changing...they are wondering who might be a mate, who might be a competitor even though they have already learned that you are not a predator.

I've had fairly friendly chams and others who didn't care about me one way or the other. Doesn't really matter to me. I like them regardless and just enjoy what they bring.
Do you ever give him time out side of the cage? I interact with my guys daily and they are loaded with personality.....always have been. :)

ok i'm so glad you said this! i have been struggling with this on one hand I was thinking well if you give him some short interaction maybe he'll get used to you, but then i'm also on here reading that that's just not the case from certain people and so in that sense i was scared to try and interact more with him.

so when you say time outside the cage what exactly do you mean? just letting him crawl around on my hand or like a plant outside his cage?
I would recommend buying a tree or large plant for him to play on outside of his cage while you closely supervise. Also when you take him out of the cage always do something fun with him like a walk outside or around in your house or even just hanging on his tree. If your weather premits take his tree outside and allow him to hand out on his tree outside for a bit while you VERY CLOSELY SUPERVISE. My guys all free range and they love getting off their trees and hanging on me. :)
I would recommend buying a tree or large plant for him to play on outside of his cage while you closely supervise. Also when you take him out of the cage always do something fun with him like a walk outside or around in your house or even just hanging on his tree. If your weather premits take his tree outside and allow him to hand out on his tree outside for a bit while you VERY CLOSELY SUPERVISE. My guys all free range and they love getting off their trees and hanging on me. :)

great thanks so much, i'm definitely going to give this a try!! :)
My cham is 13 months old and his personality continues to change and grow. He is free-ranged and as others have said, I think that makes a huge difference - although I know not everyone can do it 24/7. He pretty much travels / patrols throughout the whole downstairs area and is quite active. He is not phased by my activities or the parrot. I have had to step over him because he is walking across the floor on his way to a different tree. Also, anything new that comes into "his" area - he must inspect, walk on, lick, etc. within an hour of it's arrival. He does not like to be held at all, but will "ask" for help when he wants to go somewhere that he can't get to on his own. Then he has no problem climbing right onto me and leaning in the direction he wants to go! He has also learned to scratch on the door when he wants to go outside or back in! I continue to be amazed at how much I underestimated these lizards!
My cham is 13 months old and his personality continues to change and grow. He is free-ranged and as others have said, I think that makes a huge difference - although I know not everyone can do it 24/7. He pretty much travels / patrols throughout the whole downstairs area and is quite active. He is not phased by my activities or the parrot. I have had to step over him because he is walking across the floor on his way to a different tree. Also, anything new that comes into "his" area - he must inspect, walk on, lick, etc. within an hour of it's arrival. He does not like to be held at all, but will "ask" for help when he wants to go somewhere that he can't get to on his own. Then he has no problem climbing right onto me and leaning in the direction he wants to go! He has also learned to scratch on the door when he wants to go outside or back in! I continue to be amazed at how much I underestimated these lizards!

Lol that's awesome! I'm hoping at the least I can get my guy to not be totally petrified of me, but we shall see I guess!
Lol that's awesome! I'm hoping at the least I can get my guy to not be totally petrified of me, but we shall see I guess!

Well, it is awesome. But when I decided to get a Cham I was really okay with the "look don't touch" philosophy. So, I was a bit surprised when he became so bold. Maybe you could try just living your life and ignoring your cham - except for basic care of course. Perhaps after observing you for awhile, he will start to seek you out!
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