Panther Species & Name Help? :)


New Member
So I just got my first pair of Panthers!!! I am so excited. I was told the male and female are both Blue Bar Ambilobe Panthers... however I am unsure about the female. I know she is a panther of some sort. I honestly havn't seen to many female panthers however the Blue Bar Ambilobes I have seen look completly different. I could be wrong though. I will post photos of both. However these are the pictures I recived from the people I adopted the chams from. They both need a little TLC especially the female. I will have some new healthier pics up soon... they are already doing better with more frequent mistings.

Also I have no idea what to name these guys! I want possibly a mythological or greek style name but really not certian. Suggestions would be great!

PS: I am having a hard time uploading photos... so I am attching links
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The Male Looks both Blue Bar Red Bar mix, The female looks to be carrying eggs for sure, and definatly has blue in it.
Hope your setups are much much Better than in the pic's
I swear that looks like Wilson. I sold him to a member here on the forums who lives in Florida. He got two females with him as well.

If you could tell me a little more about where you got him. I might be able to help you with exact bloodlines. You tell me if it doesn't look like the same fella.




Your picture
females pretty much all look the same id tend to agree she looks to have a load full id put a layen bin in that cage...
No the first three are my pictures from when I had him, the last is her picture I reposted for her. But it sure looks like Wilson to me. Please give me a little more info and I may surprise you with some great info about that Cham or Chams.

Here's your picture of the Female ... photoshoped a little.

Mine from when I had her. I believe this would be Jinger. pattern looks the same to me as well.

Thanks everybody thanks for the feed back!

As far as there set ups. Yes way better! I have them each in there own 175 gallon reptariums with plenty more live plants and drip! lol I got them all new UVBs and ceramic emitters. (I had a Veiled who came to me with a burn from using a heat lamp so they scare me). I actually got them substrate! They are much happier, already... I will be taking pics soon I just want to give them some time to settle in. The previous owners said the female was a picky eater and the had to force feed her a little well she is already eating right out of my hand ;). Much better!
They don't need substrate. I would get her a laying bin if you don't already. Don't forget to gutload and dust the feeders appropriately. If she is gravid she's going to need extra calcium and nutrition.

I am not certain they do look similar. Here is what I know about my new little boy.

They say he is 1.5 - 2 years old. They tell me he came from a flordia breeder. They had him shipped up here from flordia. They believe he came from FL chams. He is a super sweet boy... He will crawl out of the cage on my arm and just chill. He is very friendly. It's actually quite amazing. If I open the cage door he sticks his tounge out wanting a treat. When I come in his room and walks over too the cage door opening wanting to see me.

Now I highly doubt the females can be the same. She cam from "Pams Chams" and I think I can see a slight differnce in the pattern. however anything is possible. :) how long ago did you give these guys up? They told me they had the pair for 1-1.5 years?


Oh and on the Gravid situation. The second I saw her I asked if she was gravid, they told me she had just laid a clutch 1-2 months ago? Would that even be possible? I think she might still be recovering or something... but yes I think she looks very gravid also. However I cant feel anything in her belly and when I hold her she unflates and looks really skinny... I am just feeding her as much as possible now. I am thinking about throwing a bin in there just to be safe....

EDIT: however I have only held her once and that was when I transported her into her cage so I guess I havn't examined her too close.
They don't need substrate. I would get her a laying bin if you don't already. Don't forget to gutload and dust the feeders appropriately. If she is gravid she's going to need extra calcium and nutrition.

Oh yes we gutload and got just her some some silk worms ;) I am just useing a little moss and husk too keep the humidity up.
The time sounds right and I cannot be 100% positive but it sure looks like him.

From what I can tell, He's from koabich who then gave him to Lance who in turn gave him to you.

It very well could be him. I sold him to a member down in Florida who shortly thereafter had to get rid of the trio. Breaks my heart to think he's moved around so much .. California to Virginia to Florida to California to Seattle?

Well if it is Wilson, his sire is Tsara-Mandoko - Malagasy for "Nice Paint" from the Kammers. Kammerflage

If it is the female that was with him originally, she cam from Chuck G - Heroic Chameleons and her Sire would be Batman

Wilson was very tame like that. He absolutely loved to come out of his cage and would walk right onto your arm. If you think it's him, I have tons of pictures from juvie on up and even have one of his babies here.
If they eat any they can become impacted. That will likely cost quite a bit in vet bills or they may die if it's bad enough. Be vary careful. I wouldn't use anything other than organic fertilizer and perlite free soil that has been sifted to remove any chunks. Just my opinion though.
Chameleons can retain sperm and lay another clutch a few weeks after the 1st. She DEFINITELY looks gravid. Also, to add my thoughts to the case of is this Wilson, Wilson has a red line next to his eye, your cham does not. If that helps. Also Wilson has more stripes on his legs, yours has little pattern.
I do believe it looks alot like him. I am not home right now but I need to pull him out and compare photo to real life. I put the photos right next to eachother and I do believe the "Ybar" is similar however the bar in front of it I am unsure. Do you think they look similar? I had my hubby look and he pointed out the bar above his from leg... I might need too see another photo of Wilson. It will be quite amazing if they are the same Chams. I will send you quite a few photos in a week or so, and I would love seeing more pics. If the times line up... it would almost seem like too much of a coincidence for them not to be the same guys .
Chameleons can retain sperm and lay another clutch a few weeks after the 1st. She DEFINITELY looks gravid. Also, to add my thoughts to the case of is this Wilson, Wilson has a red line next to his eye, your cham does not. If that helps.

when I first got him home he was fired up and had the exact same red lines... however his entie front and back legs where also red. But yes there coloring does look a bit different. Like my new boy is more green around the mouth and Wilson is very red... but when my boy was fired up he was very red there.
Look at the bottom part of the Y bar on the side closest to his back legs. The Rome on Wilson more quickly turns into the bar that joins the V part of the Y. Also, the second and third bar on the OP's Cham are closer together than the first and second, but Wilson's first and second seem to be closer than the second and third. And, Wilson has one bar on each side of his knee on the back legs, the OP's panther has two on each side of the knee.
Certainly didn't mean to get into a large debate over it. Perhaps it was wishful thinking. I do know that Panthers bars shift with age as they grow. The pictures of mine were when he was 9 months. And the Cham here is now about 2 years.

There is one almost surefire way for you to tell. Ya need an above view and in front view pics. Wilson had a slight birth defect with his left eye, its slightly smaller than his right, as seen here.


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