Panther or Veiled ???

After doing a little searching on Senegal Chameleons I am 100% sure that is what she is. The photos I saw are "her" to the "T". I did not find any for sale anywhere though. How are they viewed in he Chameleon world? It doesn't sound like they get very big.
I will definately work on the lighting as you suggested. Thank you!! I am looking for real plants right now to replace the tree. I have a plastic ivy vine wrapped in there right now that I spray occasionally. I have a waterfall mounted in the top, back, left corner for her to drink from though and she uses it quite well. It must be working for the humidity because it is evaporating about 8 oz of water a day. Thanks for the information, I really appreciate all of it.

The only problem now is trying to deside whether to keep her or try to get a veiled or panther instead. I am really getting hooked on chameleons now after reading so much on them.
Keep this one and get another. ;) lol

Get rid of the water fall ASAP. Use misting and a dripper for water. Water falls are a breeding ground for bacteria.
well i say stay with this one as a first one. i am going to get one this week, because i heard that they can even get some blue in them sometimes and well these are rare to get as aggressive as some veiled and arent so expensive as panthers but thats your own decision. But any ways good luck with her she looks beautiful.
Thanks for the input. It is a little dis hearting though. That is why I normally do not impulse buy on something like this. It is actually kind of funny that I did. I may have to invest in yet another reptarium for another chameleon after all of the learning I am going thru.
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