Panther or Veiled ???


New Member
Okay, so I know it is not right but I bought a cham on a whim one day at a swap meet. Since I was a kid I always wanted one. So I buy it get hope and go directly to the internet to find out what I need. Well I ended up cancelling everything for the day to get this little girl set up. The seller had a few of these girls and had them in an aquarium. He said his were all that way. Well after getting home I have to tell you I felt bad. I walked on pins and needles for a week while waiting for my reptarium to come in. I have her set up well now and she eats like crazy for me. I cannot believe the difference the reptarium made for her. Okay so I will stop there for now and go on to the question. I have searched and searched to find a photo of another cham like her. I thought she was for sure a veiled but now I am not so sure. I have a photo below for everyone to look at. I know they are not that great but they were last minute photos. She is VERY camera shy. I will get more later but for now these are what I have.

Oh and she is right at 5" from nose to vent.


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A few more ...... she moved down to the bottom of the tank where I allow sun in from the window. The above photos were of her not in sun light.


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definately a vieled (possible its a flapneck)
vieled babies look like that, those colorings and similar patterings.
anyways, a few more photos of the feet and what not should help us out.
hind feet, back side.
you have a UVB bulb right?

but yes from what i am seeing, it does appear to be female.
It's neither. I can tell you that.

I'm pretty sure it's a Senegal. I'm not the best at ID, but I'm not familiar with any other species with that pattern and that shape of a head.

Am I right...anyone?

Edit: Could also be a flap neck.
Graceful chameleon is my best guess, but some others who have been in the hobby for longer will be able to confirm.

What sort of conditions are you providing? What did the seller say?
hmm, i didn't think about a senegal.

its not a flap neck on closer inspection, it doesn't care the trademark flaps on its head lobe area, were you would typically see them.

its head does appear to have a small dorsal crest starting, but at 5"s id imagine it'd be a bit more developed.

so it could very well be a senegal.

these are flap necks.


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Damit these round headed guys are hard to ID. I'm almost 100% it's a flapneck.

edit: dang postmaster..ya'll are fast.
No flaps? I couldn't tell. The pics I've seen of Senegals do not have that spotting to them.
This one is just very stressed out, so it's going to have a very different appearance. :)
I stand corrected. They can be spotted.

I wish AdCham listed their species by thumbnail. Kind of a PITA the way it is now.
i believe its a segenal my reason is simple her feet where her nails are the seem a little redish orange and segenals have that color in their feet eyes sometimes and some parts of her back but i could be wrong.
I think you are right on the senegal. The thing is she gets the yellows and the darker markings when she perches right in the sunlight. When she gets stressed, if I am trying to handle her, she turns a real light solid green. When she is cruising / hunting or in the sunlight she getts the distinct markings that you could see in the photos. When she is asleep she is almost a neon green. When she is just hanging out she looks exactly like the photos post just above by Slik Jim. The only time she goes dark is when I believe she feels threatened. I am new to all of this but have logged probably 20 hours of reading already. I appreciate all of the input and plan on spending alot of time here. I will try to get some better photos of her tomorrow when she wakes.
Sorry the link I was talking about was posted ny Vince882. That is what she really does look like.

Oh, and the question was asked about lighting. Well I am using a reptarium so I went with a UVB 10.0 bulb at one end and a UVB 5.0 at the other. I am using a UVA basking spot bulb that over laps with the UVB 10.0 to get both spectrums. She spends a lot of time right in the middle of the two. She rarely ever goes to the end with the UVB 5.0. I also have her in front of a window that I have the blind half drawn so she can go to the lower part to get direct sunlight. She really shows the patern most when she goes in to the direct sunlight. I hope that helps out.


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OK, well good job on the enclosure, but im afraid your lighting is still incorrect, if those are infact the spiral compact UVB bulbs, which can cause some eye issues in most chameleons.

your going to want to switch to a 5.0 UVB tube style bulb with a hood lamp.

being a dark reptarium you could do a 10.0.

basic house bulb *i use 60 watt bulbs, but my area is quiet warm as it is*...

reptisuns are great bulbs for a source of UVB.

also, that silk ficus is good and all for now, but i really suggest getting at least two real plants in their, trying to drink water off that silk ficus is like us trying to lick water off a t shirt... you kinda want a way for water to kinda puddle on the tip of leaves as a source for quick little drinks.
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