Panther keeps missing his food...???

i also recognized this when i got my dilepis. At the beginning, when we wasn´t used to me already, he sometimes missed his food because he was busy with watching me.
But know he seem to acknowledge that i´m not dangerous and will even eat from my hand.
Even this is not the cause in your case, i guess it will ease other people who just got their new chameleon and have the same problem.
I'm always interested in these threads as the same thing happened to my George (male, veiled) when he was younger. Overnight he started missing his food, but by the exact same margin, as if someone had bumped the scope on top of his rifle so the aim shifted a few inches high and left. As I had other chams eating the same food in the same conditions etc. etc. and because he showed no discomfort or change in health, in my case at least, I believe it was caused by a physical change brought on by normal tongue shooting, such as a tendon holding his hyoid bone in place having shifted slightly.

Do a search and have a read through the other threads that have discussed similar cases.

Always good to re-think and improve on your current setup and feeding so def take note of what the more experienced keepers have to say but I must say in all the cases I have seen it is not something that ever comes right. In all probability your cham will become frustrated over time and stop shooting altogether which will cause the shooting muscle to atrophy.

Don't despair as he will adapt and develop a new way of eating (cup feeding will probably become the norm) and there is no reason for him not to live a long, healthy life as my George is doing.

I think I should mention that George had MBD before I got him which could have been a contributing factor (fractured hyoid bone?) but as most of the other cases I have read about had the same symptoms without the MDB I don't think it was the cause.
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