Panther Chameleon not eating!


New Member

So my panther chameleon has recently stopped eating. It has been 3 days now that he has not eaten the crickets that we have offered him. During the past month or so he has had a reduced intake of food, but we just assumed this was because he was just maturing into eating every other day. We continued to offer him food everyday, his daily intake would vary. But for the past 3 days he does not even seem remotely interested in crickets. He ate 4 days ago (4-5 crickets and 2 silk worms) but not since then. We are just wondering if anyone has any idea as to what could be going on with him? It may be early for a post but we just don't want to take any risks!! He also seems to have some dry, yellowish crust sticking out a little from his bum. He had something similar before, which I determined was his dried sperm, but he does have some now also. Also he is an obsessive dirt eater, we placed rocks over the soil of his plants which has seemed to deter him quite a bit. Sometimes we see him picking up rocks to move them but since we first noticed him eating it a few months ago (placed rocks shortly after) it has seemed to be reduced significantly. Also - just about a week ago we saw him hanging from his vine with a small branch with a few half-dead leaves on it. As we tried to pry it from his hands he ended up eating a leaf and from what I saw he ate the whole thing.... could be affecting all of this? Just don't know what to do. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Here's a little more info:

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Panther, male, almost 9 months
How long has it been in your care? 5 months
Handling -every other day, doesn't love it, but doesn't hate it
Feeding - Mostly crickets with usually either wax, silk or horn worms 1-3 times a week. Gutload feeders with a variety of fruits and vegetables and also cricket food.
Supplements - calcium 5-6 times a week, vitamins twice a month
Watering - dripper and 3-5 misting a day
Fecal Description - looks normal from what I've seen, although he hasn't pooped in a couple days.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - screen 48x24x24
Lighting - 9am - 9pm 20x uvb
Temperature - 75-85 and mid 70s at night
Humidity - ranges but between 30-70%
Plants - Umbrella plant
Placement - cage is elevated on desk about 3.5 feet off the ground + size of cage. there is a ceiling fan in the room that is sometimes on
Location - Toronto, ON

Extra: Saw him hanging around the bottom a bunch - but seems to be both up and down. The past day he hasn't been as mobile as he usually is. Spent close to 2 hours in the same spot today
Hi, It may be that he is naturally toning down his diet but i have a few questions.

What type of calcium are you using?
What color are his urates?
How long are you misting for 3-5 times a day?
Whens the last time you have had his feces tested for parasites? If he is eating his dirt, he is more than likely eating pieces of his feces and urine.

Answer one of your questions. Yes, it is fine he ate a dried up leaf.
this happened to me. But my little guy didnt eat for 4 days. He will be fine just give it some time and he will most likely eat in a couple of days or tomorrow
Is he 9 months old or you have had him 9 months? Sometimes they will just go off food for a few days. Also, it is not unusual for them to hang in the same spot for hours at a time either.
What type of calcium are you using? - Repashy Calcium Plus
What color are his urates? Seems to be normal - white
How long are you misting for 3-5 times a day? 1-3 minutes (usually aim to make the whole terrarium wet and plants dripping water)
Whens the last time you have had his feces tested for parasites? - We have never had his feces tested for parasites - but this is something we are going to look into.

We use ExoTerra SolarGlo bulb - the 125W one
Haven't changed it since we got it. So since February 10th.

Also he is 9 months old. He has been in our care for almost 6 months now.

Update: he ended up eating 4 crickets yesterday and we left 7 in his cage. Came home and only could find 3 so he must have eaten the rest. He has pooped twice since my post and they both look very healthy. He also has been very active today and seems to be in a brighter mood.

Hopefully it is nothing serious - thank you for all the answers and your time, we appreciate it!!

He hasn't been eating crickets for the past 5 days. I think he's just bored of them because he will eat worms right away. Should we just start feeding him more worms to make sure he is getting enough food? Any info on what we should do is very appreciated!!
I noticed my Cham was slowly starting to lose interest in crickets too, I ordered some dubia roaches the other day to see if she would eat those more and she does! She loves them!:) if he is eating other things like worms and such he just must be getting tired of them. I would recommend some dubia or another staple feeder that slowly try crickets again.
He hasn't been eating crickets for the past 5 days. I think he's just bored of them because he will eat worms right away. Should we just start feeding him more worms to make sure he is getting enough food? Any info on what we should do is very appreciated!!
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