panther chameleon dehydrated!!! :(


New Member
hello i have a one and a half years old panther chamleon and its been with me for almost a year now, for the past few weeks the uranate has gone from white to yellow and two days ago it was orange and white , i dont think he is drinking at all , i mist him easyly 3 times a day for about 3-5 mins each time , i also have a large dripper , but he has alsobeen going to the bottom more often now , i feed him every day about 6 crikets sometimes locusts , and he normally eats them , the humidity never goes any lower than 40% and the temperature is around 75f with the basking spot at about 88f ... not sure if temps should be different , but doesn anyone knows a remedy to make him drink ? please help :(

thanks you

this is him a few weeks ago


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He looks exactly the same thats why i dont understand how his urinate is orange ...when he is just normal, ill take a pic later today and post it
Maybe try misting for shorter periods of time, but misting more often.

you can also try a shower method.

Also, it could just be he is either
A- holding the urates in and they are drying out.
B- you are finding them a while after he expelled them, so they dried out.
Thank you ill try misting it lest time more often. And i am not familiar witht he shower method? How exactly do you do it ?
Imho he looks great could be the overpowering paranoia us cham keepers can get. In the wild they don't drink every singe day as they do go through dry seasons. It might be that he is just used to all that water ...this is just my opinion > I would give him a "dry season" for a couple of days. That should spark up his interest in drinking again after. If not, make sure you hydrate your feeders properly as he will still benefit from that. I understand that we like to see our chams show constant tip top behaviour and results because most of us are passionate about them and the reward is seeing them thrive...the reality is that every living creature goes through phases. Your temps and humidity seem fine so if the rest of your husbandry is correct, don't stress too much about it!
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