Panther Chameleon Cage Needed


New Member
Panther chameleon cage recommendation and mister recommendation needed

Not sure if anyone remembers, but I posted a few weeks ago about my sick chameleon. He does have kidney disease and we took him to the vet last night and he ran blood tests and his blood levels came to less than half of what they were.

We are looking for a new cage for him, to be his forever cage. Is 24 x 24 x 36 big enough or should we go 24 x 24 x 48?
Do you have an enclosure you recommend?

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how old is your panther.

depending on age may determine his cage.

is he supposed to make a full recovery?
I'm going to take a guess and say 10 or 11 months old. We got him in August and he was just a baby then, I think maybe 9 weeks old or so.

The vet can not offer any guarantee but he says he is definitely on the mend but will have to be on medication for the rest of his life.
I actually figured out when he was born, it was 5/30/08.

Can anyone recommend a mister? We are not handy people so I really dont want to take on the task of building one myself.
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