Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Female, veiled, approx 1 year, ours for 6 days
Handling - Daily for minutes - including stroking
Feeding - gutloaded (lettuce) dusted crickets 5-6/day meal worms once
Supplements - Exoterra calcium every other day
Watering - dripping and twice daily misting. We rarely see her drink
Fecal Description - Formed white and brown moist. Not sure of testing
History - We purchased her from a local pet store
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen 20x20x36
Lighting - unknown brand, dual bulb UVB and daylight(?) 8am-8pm
Temperature - Basking spot is 85-90. We have not measured inside habitat because at this time we only have an old food thermometer
Humidity - have not measured humidity, we have a live plant which we mist
Plants - Umbrella plant
Placement - in a corner of my bedroom about 5 ft from top of cage to floor
Location - Northwest Indiana
Current Problem - here is a pic of our Cham from yesterday and from today. She had been very green but today much more yellow and pale. She only ate 1 cricket this morning (you can see one right behind her head in today's pic). She had a rough day yesterday as we took out the substrate after we learned we weren't supposed to have any. Then her lamp fell over onto the top of her cage. She also had lots of visitors and more handling during the substrate change. We are hoping this color change is due to that. Should we be concerned about more serious problems?
Your Chameleon - Female, veiled, approx 1 year, ours for 6 days
Handling - Daily for minutes - including stroking
Feeding - gutloaded (lettuce) dusted crickets 5-6/day meal worms once
Supplements - Exoterra calcium every other day
Watering - dripping and twice daily misting. We rarely see her drink
Fecal Description - Formed white and brown moist. Not sure of testing
History - We purchased her from a local pet store
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen 20x20x36
Lighting - unknown brand, dual bulb UVB and daylight(?) 8am-8pm
Temperature - Basking spot is 85-90. We have not measured inside habitat because at this time we only have an old food thermometer
Humidity - have not measured humidity, we have a live plant which we mist
Plants - Umbrella plant
Placement - in a corner of my bedroom about 5 ft from top of cage to floor
Location - Northwest Indiana
Current Problem - here is a pic of our Cham from yesterday and from today. She had been very green but today much more yellow and pale. She only ate 1 cricket this morning (you can see one right behind her head in today's pic). She had a rough day yesterday as we took out the substrate after we learned we weren't supposed to have any. Then her lamp fell over onto the top of her cage. She also had lots of visitors and more handling during the substrate change. We are hoping this color change is due to that. Should we be concerned about more serious problems?