Ovary re growth??


New Member
Hey guys around 6 months ago my female had to have her girly bits removed due to egg forming related illness. However she's just started showing so rather pretty colours especially turquoise and blue the vet said there a slim to none chance that she'd regrow her bits but her tummies sagging a little ill try uploading some photos in the morning but I'm slightly concerned.

Has it happened to anyone before?
Unfortunately that is one of the risks of that type of procedure. I know it's frustrating to think that the problem was fixed and then to have it recur! But in a little reptile the ovary/uterus can be nearly indistinguishable from other tissue because it's so small. It can literally only take a couple of ovarian cells that remain to regrow an entire ovary. Even in dogs and cats if you remove an ovary and a tiny chunk falls back into the abdomen a whole new ovary can grow itself! They've been found attached to intestines or the muscle wall of the abdomen so not even in the right place but making hormones like normal! Animals are amazing at their ability to adapt. Luckily dogs and cats have much larger ovaries so that type of complication is very rare, but still possible. So it may have been that a whole side of the reproductive tract was missed, or it could have been that only a tiny amount of cells were left and regrew the entire part needed to make more eggs. If there were just a few cells then your vet most likely did everything correctly and just could not see a few cells that were left. Many of these are very successful but unfortunately sometimes things don't go as planned, even to the best of vets.
Thanks for the reply. I understand and I'm not blaming the vet at ll I'm just curious, could it have happened in this space if time?
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