Orange stripes normal on veiled?


New Member
I just want a quick opinion- hence why not posting in health. Is this okay colouring for a female veiled, aprox. 7 months old? It just worries me because Ive NEVER seen her display this before.
i have very little experience with female veileds, have only known a friend that had one and i never personally worked with it... just admired :p

So i dont' know at what age they can start laying eggs... but do you have an egg laying bin ready? It may mean she'll be laying soon. Just first thing that came to mind. Hopefully someone will have a more definitive answer than a guess though.
sorry but my girl is just a little younger than yours so I have no clue ...but I will be watching to see what answers you get so I will know for later.
They start putting on their big girl panties "so to speak" on starting at 6 months so she might be gravid. I would introduce a laying bin in her enclosure. The forum member Dez has an awesome video on Receptive and Gravid Females, there's awesome an awesome video of Laying Bins too. :) hope this helps
They start putting on their big girl panties "so to speak" on starting at 6 months so she might be gravid. I would introduce a laying bin in her enclosure. The forum member Dez has an awesome video on Receptive and Gravid Females, there's awesome an awesome video of Laying Bins too. :) hope this helps

HIYOOOOOOOOOOO! She put it better than i did :p... and i agree about Dez... AMAZING videos.
Yellow/orange spots are her big girl colors. Be sure to get her a laying bin very soon.
Darn, was hoping she'd be a late bloomer ;) Thanks so much everyone, truly truly appreciate it. Looking at her behaviour lately I think you're all correct. I was just super worried because my sister was like 'omg does that mean she's dying?' and it freaked me out xD Thanks guys!! <3 <3
Yeah, she's just turning into an adult. If you havent already, I would look into the various ways to try and prevent females from laying clutches. Lower temps, decreased food intake, etc.
Ahh I already do that :( Oh well... The only thing that makes me think she is not ready to lay is the fact she still eats whatever I put in her cage the second it's in there. Right now I have her in her laying bin, let's hope it works!
I leave the laying bin in the cage. I only move them into a bigger laying bin after they started digging or if I know they are ready to lay for sure (and thats only for the females that dont like small laying bins.) most will lay in the bin provided in the cage.
Okay thank you for the tip! :) right now I'm actually visiting family for thanksgiving, so I only have her travel cage with me, so this is a make shift laying bin which doesn't fit in the travel cage :(
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