Ophelia's Day Out

That is deadly nightshade, which is under a completely different species of nightshade than the one we are talking about. The one we are talking about is actually closer related to capsicum plants but is still pretty toxic. Deadly nightshade is probably the most toxic nightshade plant that exists but also is pretty good if you correctly as medicine.

There are too many species/sub species of night shade to name them all and feel safe. Tomatoes are related to nightshades, potatoes are, eggplants are. It's just depending on what species you get. Most ornamental types are toxic up the wazoo, while the fruiting types like the three I mentioned are safe to eat at certain times when the fruit is ripe, however their leaves are very toxic.
Yeah it's starting to become a habit at the moment... It's either I say that or cuss a bunch... And I try to avoid that on the forums
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