Online Breeders

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Hello everyone, I am having a hard time choosing who to order my knew veiled chameleon from. I have looked for many weeks and I think I might go with I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of them or purchased a Cham from them? If you have any suggestions on who to order from please let me know.
I got mine from FL chams and mike is on the forums always answers my calls when i have a question great guy great sires id stick with him but its up to you i only have to do my prt and spread the word of his great business
I am glad to find this link. I had decided on fl chams but can't get a returned call, text or email. I will try tiki. Thanks for the suggestion.
TikiTiki is great! I've bought a couple veileds, they were great quality and well taken care of! I would recommend them to anyone!
Hello everyone, I am having a hard time choosing who to order my knew veiled chameleon from. I have looked for many weeks and I think I might go with I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of them or purchased a Cham from them? If you have any suggestions on who to order from please let me know.

Tiki Tiki Reptiles is the best. I have a veiled and a panther from them and they are gorgeous!
I'd love to see pics of adult chams purchased from TikiTiki and FLChams. I too am trying to decide between them for my next veiled.
Here's my male Veiled, Tiki (original name, I know) from

He's wonderful... very friendly and loves to hang out on my arm while I feed him. He's pretty, too :)



ChameleonsJune2011014copy.jpg some pics of Veiled Chams or Panthers from Fl Chams or Tiki Tiki...Ive looked at both sites and they seem to know what they are doing!
Here's my male Veiled, Tiki (original name, I know) from

He's wonderful... very friendly and loves to hang out on my arm while I feed him. He's pretty, too :)




Pretty? He's GORGEOUS!! So pretty I think you photoshopped just to make us all jealous haha JK... No but yes TikiTiki has great rep and well any site on here has good rep or else... Why would they be a site sponsor?
I just ordered a cham from Tiki Tiki, I'd recommend you buying from them! They are great to work with and everything went super quickly and I had immediate response! :D
We got our baby from tiki. We got the yellow mako line. He is wonderful and they were great! Got the set up from them too. Perfect happy healthy young guy.
Ive never purchased from either Fl Chams or Tiki. But Chad is a stand up guy in my book. I had a question about something and needed help I asked CHad he immediately responded to my pm. He hadnt made a single buck off me yet he still helped a fellow forum member. Thats someone i will def refer ppl to everytime. Good guy with nice looking chams......;)
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