On this episode of keeping up with the Joneses

It’s been awhile since I posted an update on sejuani, my Jacksonii I got from @JacksJill. She’s such a good girl, finally got her to eat roaches after months of trying. She doesn’t seem to be into worms, but she loves black soldier flies. Still haven’t experienced “slugs” yet, unless I’m super blind and missed them
Because she’s a Jacksonii she doesn’t actually lay eggs. They give “live birth” becuase they incubate the eggs inside themselves. So when she’s of age she will give birth to undeveloped eggs called slugs
I knew they gave live birth but I thought slugs were expelled only while giving birth to live young, not at any other time. The slugs are just the young that didn’t develop like an egg that doesn’t develop. So then do the female Jackson’s chams in general birth slugs at any time if they aren’t mated like other female chams can lay infertile eggs even when not mated?
Females will pass slugs when sexually mature. Some pass them a few times a year. If the ova don't get fertilized eventually they are passed just like chicken eggs, I have one girl who just passed them for the first time at 3 years old but she had reproductive problems early on and I thought she never would at all. If you don't over feed them you don't see them as often.
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