New Member
Has anyone else read the thread on MBD in the health forum .MBD had to be one of the most awe full thing I have seen when it comes to our pets. I currently own 1.1 Yemen and my lil female worries me she is not growing due to the fact that she eats very lil.,so obv her calcium intake is on the low side. I take good care of my chams and have the best equipment. UVB , basking lamp, mister on a timer...ect. Now after reading these story's about the diseases that can be contracted from neglecting your chams , now I realize just how fragile these creatures can be in their first year. As a first time owner , I am truly lucky to have this forum. Now I have the ammo to properly care for my chams. This female NAHLA is gonna be a challenge to get her thru the first year mbd free...!so to anyone slacking on their husbandry take a look at those stories and pics on that thread and if u care about your animals like I do ,you will freak the F..K out..THANK U TO EVERY MEMBER WHO HAS TAKEN A MINUTE TO ADVISE ME ON MY YEMEN CHAMS ALI AND NAHLA....