Old Age vs MBD vs Dehydration


New Member
Our 6 year old male veiled, Max, has been deteriorating very quickly over the past couple of weeks. It began with slipping on branches and almost falling here and there, to grabbing his legs and getting stuck in pretzels on the floor, to not using his back legs or tail almost at all. The past 2 days he has been laying on his side, sitting on his rump, and not being able to hold his weight. I've also caught him trying to snooze under his lights in the middle of the day.

He was taken to the vet a few days after his first symptoms persisted on 12/3 (4 days ago) and the vet said he looked anemic and clumsy, but he was unsure why. He didn't take bloodwork for fear that it may be too much to handle and he hadn't pooped in about 2 weeks so there was no sample to examine. He didn't mention his weight (although he's been eating less) but he did mention his heart rate was quite low (~60 rather than >80) which could be from anemia. The vet gave him sub Q fluids and we took home some enrofloxacin, calcium glubionate, and emeraid omnivore diet.

Over the course of the weekend, Max has been getting worse. He finally pooped on Saturday and there were a LOT of uric crystals. He has always had more than normal, but the past 2 times have been outrageous and possibly painful. I wonder if his last defecation was so painful that he doesn't want to use his back legs anymore? I am continuing the medication and syringe feeding until he starts improving but his condition really concerns me. When I tried calling the vet today, I was told he is out for the week.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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I am very sad to hear about your chameleon Max. Without an x-ray and blood work you want know what's going on with him. My guess would be arthritis in his back legs but it could be more than that. If it's arthritis that can be treated with Medacam or Adequan injections. Where do you live and how experienced is your vet with chameleons? I have worked with many senior citizen chameleons and they need an experienced vet because they get allot of the same health issues that we get when we get old.
I read somewhere that this vet (Dr. Orlando Diaz) is the only board certified vet in FL that practices with exotics. He seemed very knowledgeable as I have worked with vets in the past who have NO idea how to care for a reptile. I'm interested in getting bloodwork but I am also hesitant because he said the sample might be too much blood to take.

His joints are not swollen. Wouldn't arthritis cause swelling of the joints? My understanding is that gout would also present this way which is what I am leaning more towards considering the high amounts or uric buildup.

Xrays weren't mentioned, however I'm afraid the stress of getting them done might not be worth it.
Almost every guy I've had to reach 5 had arthritis and none ever had swollen joints. Gout causes the joints to swell. I know of Dr. Diaz but the only reptile vet in FL with a reptile degree is Dr. Douglas Mader in the FL Keys. Dr. Bruce is a good reptile vet in Orlando. If you don't want to do any test to diagnose his problem then you should consider putting him to sleep and not making him suffer.
Almost every guy I've had to reach 5 had arthritis and none ever had swollen joints. Gout causes the joints to swell. I know of Dr. Diaz but the only reptile vet in FL with a reptile degree is Dr. Douglas Mader in the FL Keys. Dr. Bruce is a good reptile vet in Orlando. If you don't want to do any test to diagnose his problem then you should consider putting him to sleep and not making him suffer.

Thank you for advice. I had heard of Dr. Bruce but chose Dr. Diaz simply because I take my furry pets to the same practice. Had I known he would be gone for a week I probably would've seen Dr. Bruce first. I'll try calling his office today. I just want Max to be comfortable.
Almost every guy I've had to reach 5 had arthritis and none ever had swollen joints. Gout causes the joints to swell. I know of Dr. Diaz but the only reptile vet in FL with a reptile degree is Dr. Douglas Mader in the FL Keys. Dr. Bruce is a good reptile vet in Orlando. If you don't want to do any test to diagnose his problem then you should consider putting him to sleep and not making him suffer.

May I ask, what are some of the most common symptoms you notice with arthritis with your older guys? Do they typically become extremely weak?
May I ask, what are some of the most common symptoms you notice with arthritis with your older guys? Do they typically become extremely weak?

First they start to fall and wobbly when they walk. Then they use of the legs that they have arthritis in. It can also get in their back.
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