Occasional free-ranging?


Would it be alright if I purchased a large indoor plant and let Handsome Jack free-range under my close supervision every now and again? He currently has a 27 x 17 x 37" cage that my dad and I built, with a fluorescent bulb for UV as well as a basking spot that's 84 degrees. I mist him several times a day and I currently have a dripper as well. With that all having been said, would Handsome Jack be best off being left in his cage or would it be a good idea to let him get out and explore a free-range when I can let him out?
Many of us let chams free range.

Whether its a permanent free range, or a temporary one, we all try to do it at some point.

Its great to let them free range. If you plan to leave him out for hours on end, i suggest getting some lights for him, otherwise, he'll be ok.
I agree with camimom. If you can offer a free range, your guy will thank you for it. Although, I might suggest waiting until he is a bit older and more settled in. From what I can tell, your guy is maybe only a month or two old?

Also, not sure where you live, so you might be limited somewhat by the seasons, but if you can get him outside so he gets real sunshine, there is nothing better for them. Good luck with him!
I'm afraid I can't provide him with a 24/7 free-range, but there's really no reason I can't provide a free-range for him to explore every now and again, as well as letting him out for some sunshine when the weather permits. And for the record he's about 4 months old. :D
I have a couple of young veiled chameleons and have plants stacked on all three shelves of an 8'x3' desk. The highest parts have the least foliage so they are easier to find. During the day I leave both of their screens open whether or not I am in the room they stay on their plants, or my window screen.

if I leave the room he can usually be found at the very top most branch of the highest plant on the desk.

The jackson is just recently 5m old and i have a 10.0uvb roughly 3' from most of the top level branches, 1ft from the highest and most exposed basking spot... Not certain that the levels of uv radiation 1' away from a 54w uvb lamp. Likely far beyond anything a tree dwelling creature would experience in its lifetime on this planet. Likely to some day be known to cause cancer in the sate of California.

but yea

Free range is the greatest thing ever, until they hide right in front of your face and you think they are gone forever. That moment kinda sucks and happens often.
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