not pooping


New Member
so, i have not seen him poop. hes a juvinile from flchams. i got him 3 days ago. im 99% sure hes been eating. his lights are good and he is in a full screen enclosure. i keep humidity good. sometimes it drops low when i am not home but he stays mostly humid. has a good water drip. temp is always 75-80 degrees and basking light is around 95 to 100. he is still brown but looks very healthy. he is eating when i am not around and comes out of hiding when im not around but i do not see him bask. he has eaten atleast 30 crickets but has not pooped. why is this? i am starting to get worried. his color is slowly coming back and i finally held him today and he seems slightly less scared when i am around. but i see absolutely no poop in the cage! he hides in the corner so i put the basking light over that spot for now. what do i do? he looks good, hes active, perky, hydrated, but scared and not pooping.
are you checking everywhere for the poop? In his plants, on sides of branches, stuck to leaves. I was so worried one time my cham was not pooping and it had fallen down in the potted plant in between the rocks. I found about two or three poops down in there. It is ok not to poop every day. Try misting him with warm water if poosible. That always stimulates my one chameleon to go.
also if it helps he has not had any calcium since i got him. its on the way in the mail, should arrive in 2 more days, no stores have it and i only have a multivitamin on hand but am afraid to give it to him more than once.

i sprayed him a bit with the misting bottle and he hated it but i did what i could. he will not let the light be above his hiding spot either. and well i looked as good as i could and there was nothing in sight but i cant look to closely because he is so scared whenever i am around. he just goes and hides when i am in the same room so i feel he is not getting proper heat but when i moved the lamp onto his shaded hiding spot he hid from the light. but cage is always at atleast 75-80 degrees in non-lit areas, i cant get it much hotter. i only saw him eat once but crickets are disappearing. i just leave them in his cage constantly but no more than 20 a day. i put 30 in in the past 2 days atleast and 6 are left. should i put a red light on him at night? or a ceramic heater? house is kept at 73.

also, should i get rid of his shady secluded spot? i need him to get use to my presence and for him to learn im not going to eat him.

also to everybody who has been posting to my help threads, i really appreciate it, its nice to have some people to steer me in the right direction after my last misfortune with the poor pet store baby. i ask alot of questions and some may seem insignificant but i just want to have some healthy chams.
i can answer a few questions. Then some more knowledgeable folk will probably join.
You don't need a heater or a night bulb, it would just stress him. You also shouldn't drop 20 crix at a time and leave them there. You need to gutload them for 12-24h prior. If your wee dude doesn't eat in front of you, leave a few (like 5-7) then pick the remaining up in 3 min. Do this 3 to 5 times a day. If you leave a bunch there, hey could eat your chams poo, which you may not see, but trust me it is there. I was cleaning one of my vivs yesterday, found about 5 t**ds I have not seen. Bugs also loose their nutritional value.. and can bite your baby. If you absolutely need to keep them in, keep some food for them.
Don't move the lamp on his hiding spot. He is not stupid, if he's cold he'll come out and warm himself up. My baby is exactly like that after our last vet visit (he had to stay overnight). He barely comes out of his hiding spot. I cover his enclosure so he has privacy. You could try this?
Also I would recommend you to leave him alone. Don't handle him, don't stand in front of him, just leave him be for at least 2 weeks. It works the best. He needs time to adjust.
Also, what cham is it? I take it veiled or panther? There are really good blogs here. Look through them, they cover pretty much everything
If you've only had him 3 days it can take a bit for him to get on a normal schedule after the trauma of shipping and the new home. He might be pooping like others said its just hiding somewhere you can't see it. If you do leave some crix In his cage and leave some food for the crix only use fresh fruit and veggie, DO NOT PUT WATER CRYSTALS IN CHAMELEON CAGE!!!!! It can kill your Cham..try to look at the world from his perspective, he's so tiny and everything around him is huge and this big scary things keeps coming to where I'm hiding and touching things and my cage, feed and water him when necessary but leave him alone for a week and slowly introduce yourself to him by hand feeding him. The biggest thing you will learn with chameleon keeping is patience, they're in no rush for anything so you have to have the same mindset. Slow and steady wins the race. Good luck tho!! Glad your apart of the forums!! :)
Also he will be fine until the calcium arrives. Don't extra dust to "catch up" also do you have a D3 supplement? The dusting schedule I use is, plain calcium only powder every feeding (just a light coating is needed) every other week multivitamin and the weeks in between those calcium with D3. So everyday calcium, one week vitamin and the week after that D3 and back to vitamin the week after and keep close to that schedule
I wouldn't remove his secluded spot. He will be happier knowing he can hide. Give him time. Although he is hiding he is probably watching you.:)
I wouldn't remove his secluded spot. He will be happier knowing he can hide. Give him time. Although he is hiding he is probably watching you.:)

It's so funny that no matter how hard you try to find him in there and can't, but as soon as you spot him his eye has been on you the whole time
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