New setup


New Member
Hi All,

This is my new setup for my Panther, George.

Any suggestions for improvments would be gratefully received, He's my first Charm and this is his second home (last one was a flexarium and the zip went on me)

Many thanks



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Great cham and great setup!
I couldnt tell from the pics but do you have rocks to cover the soil for
your plants? and what types of plants are you using here?
Ah thanks for all the complements, you'll give him a big head :)

Yeah there are rocks in the middle tree (lemon tree) simply to weigh it down a bit so all the water runs to the middle where the drainage holes are. The rest are all ficus plants.
sweet setup!, i definatly need to get some more plants like that! Quick question though, how does your drainage system work?
I've simply drilled holes in the middle (around the lemon tree) and the weight of the tree makes the base bow a little bit so all the water runs to the holes then I just have a bucket underneath to catch the water.

The table it sits on is more of a frame, so didn't have to cut a hole in the table.
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