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Hello all, I am getting back into this after a few years. I wish I had access to a forum like this back in the day. I am in the process of upgrading to a 2x2x4 cage for my veiled. (after all the research I know that is the way to go.) The question is... for a cage this tall is the reptisun 10.0 better than the 5.0? Also which misting system is the best to use, or is a auto dripper a viable option
The 5.0 is sufficient. As for misting options, there are quite a few. Mist King (which I have) and the Monsoon are easily affordable now at about $100. I have 6 mistings set up a day so I don't use a dripper. If you are going the dripper route, you will want to hand mist at least 3-4 times a day to keep humidity up. Duration and such is determined on what species you are keeping.
I can't give you exact amounts. I have my mist king do 5 mistings a day at about 2 minutes each. That might be a gallon I think.
I use one 10.0 Reptisun on my cages along side of a 6500K lamp.

The AquaZamp misting system comes with a 4 gallon reservoir. Should last you a week or two depending on your misting schedule.
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