New Routine


Avid Member
Since it's winter and not much to do, I decided that every Friday night is going to be sauna night for my chams. I have a 20x14x17 bird cage that I put some limbs in. I place the cage in the shower and get it steamy, then cool down the water. I put a wash cloth over part of the top where the water hits the wall. Rocko's first and he goes in the cage and he takes a 10 min shower. Then it's Cabo's turn. Once they come out they go to their outside limbs to go to bed. I know what you're thinking.....Geez Donna, get a life! :D LOL (My chams own me).
What life? My day starts off before dawn chopping fruit, beef heart, dog food, egg for the birds, walk the dog, spray and feed day active herps, work for 8-9 hours, walk the dog, open the aviary for a free flying insect chase for the birds, clean up after them, check the snakes, spray/clean the frog group, thaw/heat snake rodents, and finally at about midnight feed the frogs. On weekends add cleaning and feeding roach, nightcrawler and other insect colonies, cleaning cages, etc.
Allison, I would love to have your job. Taking care of critters would be my dream job if I didn't have to make $$$$$.
Oh, all that animal care is for pets, not my "official" job. At work I get to sit at a desk most of the time wishing I was out in the field.
Wow, superwoman! Yeah, I sit at a desk too day dreaming about being outside. If only................
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