New Proud Owner and Looking for Literature


New Member
So I finally talked my husband into letting me get a chameleon. (He’s a big reptile guy and said I wouldn’t be able to keep it alive). I’ve been reading an abundance of online resources and wanted to purchase a book on them that wasn’t species specific as I’d like to eventually get a panther if I do well with the chamaeleo montium we picked up recently. I did look at the bookstore link on the forums but was wondering if anyone has read The Chameleon Handbook or had any other suggestions. I also read on another thread someone suggested Chameleons: Nature's Hidden Jewels (2nd Revised & Updated Edition). Just trying to get as much info as possible as my husband refuses to help me on this one LOL we already quite a few other reptiles in the house. Thanks for any info, it’s much appreciated =D
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