new plants?


New Member
im moving my 5 month panther out of his reptarium. it was honestly the worst investment ive made with my chameleon. zipper broke in 2 weeks. shakes sooooo much anytime you barley touch it. i got a 30"x18"x30" screen cage terrarium. i just bought a ficus, pothos and a little red palm (holds moisture great). his new cage is pretty packed with plants. is that okay? or is it better for him to have room to do whatever he needs?
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They need to be able to move around and have a clear basking area (above the canopy) but dense planting is good.

yea ill get a pic tomorrow, his lights just went out so i dont wanna be snapping pictures. and yea like id have one spot clear towards the top of the cage for basking. im just gonna put the exo terra jungle vines around the plants so he can get from place to place and also have a strong vine to bask/sleep on. should i hang the pothos on like a vine or something? or could they stay on the bottom. i was thinking abuot putting a basking vine in a clear spot, have the vine go all the way across the cage, and hang the pothos on that vine. so he has a basking spot, and a quick escape to cooler temperature. ah i think about this stuff so much haha.
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