new panther (nosy be) x2


New Member
hey guys ok so last thread i had you all said female i returned him for the other nosy be they got in and apperently they got one male and one female so this one should be a male....... but yet again there are not too bright opionions....... and thank you guys and girls in advance this has been a very stress full few days.... and i hope hes a dude.. now ...


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Sorry Dude, Cute cham, but it dosent really have an obvious'package' Ya know! :)
Dont worry, There will be lots of nosy B owners online in the next 24hrs I imagine will know.

How did the store sex them? did they tell you? :)
LOL, Never be 100% certain, not from a pic. Id be finding a reputable store, or better reptile vet or Nosy breeder to sex it personally for you. (hands on)
This is the fun of reptiles! :)

For the experts, apart from the broader tailbase (hemipenes) in males, what other methods are used to sex the species? Can they be probed?
Visual sexing is a guessing game with many lizards without obvious differences, more so
without a known animal of either sex for comparison.
Looks like that store successfully lined you up with another female! :eek:. As for sexing, there really isn't another method (That I know of lol) aside from visual identification. The breeders who have been in this for years and years are pretty darn good at it you'd be surprised. I can pick out baby ambilobes out of the egg and separate them into cages with about 85% accuracy or better, and I will swap some to different cages after they grow once I can get a better look. Every baby/clutch is different too. Locale also has alot to do with it. Some locales are very very difficult to sex, even at 3 or 4 months old, while some are super obvious right out of the egg.
We received our Nosy Be at about 3 months old and there is quite a bit of difference in the base of the tail (much thicker with a bit of a 'lump' near the anus) than the nice looking female you have there... sorry, I think you have a she again. Maybe it is an under endowed male. Poor thing. I wish I had a female!! Keep the animal and see what it turns out to be... then get another, and another, and another... :D
Ahh Matt...sorry its definitely a female. Not only is there no hemipenal bulge, but she is already getting the female coloration. Many times Nosy Be males get a green tint very young (starts at about 2 months old).

Good luck and hope you find a male!

fool you once, shame on them, fool you twice shame on you.

you should have learned your lesson by now. i would return that chameleon and not purchase from that company again.
Yeah, I think that's a female too! Sorry! As said, go with one of the sponsors! They have a proven track record. I suppose the place you bought from does, but it's not record you want...
hey guys thanks again i think i may return it but i will add last night playing with him er her fired up kinda had a tint of green.... they said they ordered one male one female... so ill add that to see any change ill be back after work probibly will return and drop a brick through there window... lol off to the reptile expo next weekend they will beable to give me what i want it wouldnt just be cause its under fed with thte no buldge i dont know you guys are the experts to me... i jus graduated junior... thanks again in advance....
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