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ive been doing alot of reading here and havent posted yet. i ordered a baby panther from the kammers back in the begginiing of march. he was finally ready and i received him today. i think im going to name him KAMO for obvious reasons. he is 2 months old and seems to be pretty active in his new home. i also received some flightless flies and domestic house flies. the house flies seem to be still in the larva stage and the flightless flies were mostly killed in shiiping. so my n ext question is this little guy ready for some baby crickets or should i continue with the flies? i also plan on buying a mister , i was reading how everyon eisnt to fond of the habba mist. but the pro mist seems kind of overkill for just one cham. any opinions on what mist system to use? so he can remain humid since i work from 5 am - 5 pm. so any adivce on how im doing and some things i need to get or need to research are appreciated.

ive been reading about gutloading the crickets. and most dont recommend a pre bought gut load. im willing to make my own just tryign to figure out where to get the stuff and some of the better recipes. thanks again and here is a shot of the lil dude


he is an isairy mifidy male panther.
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Hello 04chase, welcome to the Chameleon Forums :)

so my n ext question is this little guy ready for some baby crickets or should i continue with the flies?
I would offer both if you can find some crickets small enough. Many pet stores, if they carry crickets at all, will not have crickets small enough for a 2mo panther. You may have to order some feeders online.

any opinions on what mist system to use? so he can remain humid since i work from 5 am - 5 pm
Misting systems do raise the humidity for a short time, but their main use is to provide water for your chameleon(s). If you do not want to go with the expensive auto misters like the rainmaker or promist, then I would skip the habba and go with a manual pressurized spray bottle. I believe both Big Apple Herp and LLLReptile offer them.

so any adivce on how im doing and some things i need to get or need to research are appreciated.
You have not really posted in any detail what you currently have, so offering advice on what else you might need is difficult. Let us know the details. If you have not already, check out and
any opinions on what mist system to use? so he can remain humid since i work from 5 am - 5 pm
I did not read your post closely enough the first time. With your schedule, I would go with a a promist or rainmaker setup. It is expensive, but it can go a long way towards a healthy chameleon. They cost about as much as you might pay for a trip to an experienced veterinarian. I am not a vet, but I would guess dehydration and related problems are common for chameleons in a veterinarian office.
well here is what i have , i have a smaller enclosure 24x24x12 enclosure. i have one schefferrella that larger and one small ficus. i have a few articificial vines . i have a little dripper for water but imo it doesent work very weel so i rigged up a small tupperware container with a pin hole to drip water. i currently found some baby crickets that are small enough but he loves these flies.

thanks on the advice on the mister. i am looking into the promist but where do i get the reservoir?

im also looking for places to get gutload but im making some right now.
thanks on the advice on the mister. i am looking into the promist but where do i get the reservoir?

A food grade bucket with a lid works quite well. You can get them at Home Depot, or a lot of grocery stores will have a few sitting around too.
The funny thing about that mister, Jake, is that if you don't buy the official "pet" version (it's a people mister called Misty Mate) it's much cheaper! A 12 oz. bottle w/sprayer is about $7 at Wal-Mart. Yeah, it doesn't have the "high-quality brass misting head", but I could buy five of them. I use it for my brevs, b/c the larger pressurized garden-type sprayers I use for my frogs just make big drops! Hard to spray the little guys' eyes with a big spray...
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