New Nosy Mitsio Babies


Avid Member
I've been focused on keeping and breeding other reptiles the last few years and was pleasantly surprised with a bunch of new baby Nosy Mitsios this evening.
I've had 3 clutches stashed in an incubator that I sort of gave up on. I've never been real strict with incubating my Chameleon eggs and they have usually just been in a closet or passive room temp incubator and go from 8-12 months before hatching. Well these containers have been moved around the house several times as we have been remodeling and have kind of become an afterthought.
I did toss them in an actual incubator around December because they got moved into the garage and it got too cold.
At this point I have sold all of my Chameleons and have just been working with Dwarf Australian Monitors and Tree Monitors. I rarely even looked into the small incubator and sort of forgot about it. On a whim tonight I got a feeling I should go take a peek in the incubator. Its been at least 2 weeks since I checked so timing was perfect. 3 containers with fresh babies!
Its been at least 15 months since these have been incubating. Most of my Mitsio clutches have gone around a year before hatching but these were a surprise!
I lost count after 45 and looks like another 10 or so could hatch in the next few days :)
Never give up on those eggs!
15K crickets ordered and some baby tubs hastily assembled tonight.
I missed having Chameleon babies!
Good afternoon Norcal55. I haven't had any chameleons in a few years. My last was a Nosy Mistio Ambilobe cross. He was the most brilliant cham I had ever owned. He would turn pastel of every shade almost. I was curious if you were going to be selling some of your clutch. If so what would be your price for a single male as well as for a pair. I'm currently keeping Carpet Pythons, but I'm ready for another I think. I would like to breed one clutch at some point. Thanks for your time.
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