New cricket-less diet!


Established Member
I've finally decided to no longer buy anymore crickets. This is due to the noise they make in either Hammy's vivarium or any escapees!
I've decided to try out red runner roaches instead. I'm already feeding him dubia roaches along with wax worms every few days. I will also be buying silkworms to help with any rehydration. Will the new diet suffice?
If, and only if, i ever need to buy crickets again, I'll try youngsters ie ones without their wings! I've also been advised that banded crickets are less noisier, due to their softer exoskeleton. Phew!
Any further advice would be much appreciated folks. Thank you so much. Mark
Gosh, that's a scary thought! I'm going onto the amphibian forum now, to chat about Pepé, my red eyed tree frogs diet ?
I cup feed, and as long as your cup is smooth and DRY, the bsfl will not climb out.
My mister nozzle was hanging low one day and misted in the feeder run, and all the worms and roaches climbed chameleon loved it, I did not.

Thanks, I'll try that. Not the low hanging mister...the dry feeder run. XD
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