New chameleon owner


New Member
Here it goes. I got a chameleon as a gift for Christmas (probably not the best gift for a first time reptile owner). I absolutely love him and understand fully that I had to do an immense amount of research to make sure he is happy and healthy.
At the moment he is not in the correct enclosure. (He came with the chameleon kit from petsmart, which I’ve found out totally sucks). So I’ve ordered the 2x2x4 screen enclosure and my husband is going to add ledges so that I can attach plants and branches so he’s happy. I did, however, purchase a T5 6% UVB 18” reptisun and switched out the other bulb (which now my youngest daughter uses as a heat lamp for her gecko, so that worked out). He has eco soil (I think) at the bottom of his tank. I plan to completely take all that out and leave a bare bottom tho. He has a small fern and a pothos as well (I know I need more and I have more but the tank it just too small at the moment). I know his temps are ok. Basking lamp and branch is about 80-82 degrees F. I let his humidity drop down to 40-50% daytime. Sometimes it can go up to 60-70% when I shower (my bathroom is in same room so it puts out some humidity). At night I have a small fogger in the enclosure that goes on for a few hours to keep humidity at 90-100% over night. I also spray/mist in the morning about 30 minutes before lights come on and again at night about an hour before bedtime. I also randomly mist throughout the day. I live in New Mexico so it’s obviously dry here. He also has a make shift dropper (1/2 gallon cleaned out milk jug with a hole) that I put out in the morning. I’m really scared he’s going to randomly die and I want to give him a good life. The new enclosure should be here in a few days but until then is there anything I should do to make sure he makes it until I’m able to move him?
I should add that he eats crickets dusted in calcium without d3 and I bought a multivitamin and bee pollen to dust with 2 x/month. I follow Neptune the chameleon and am trying to take her advice. I also feed him meal worms (dusted), I bought him some hornworms but he’s won’t eat those and I don’t want to stress him out. I ordered some dubia beetles too (I read that those are most nutritious) and I also gut load the bugs the night before. Using carrots/greens/sweet potato/etc.
Since I have ZERO experience with chameleons, I’m concerned about EVERYTHING. He seems to be a dull color most of the day if left alone (which I do leave him alone as much as I can). At night he turns super bright green when he’s sleeping. Sometimes he gets a little dark when I think he’s scared or stressed. He puffs his chin sometimes when I have to do things with his cage but I try to be very slow and careful. I also bought a fake tree for when I need to make adjustments to his enclosure and he did fine on it although I’m sure he hated it the whole time. I’ve never seen him hiss or gape. He does the karate hand and curls his tail sometimes and I just leave him alone if I see him doing that. His poops are fine. He’s actually only pooped once in the 4 days I’ve had him. I’m hoping for a poop today so I don’t have a heart attack. The urate looks normal. White-cream color. His eyes look good, I think. I’ll post some pictures.

I’m just really nervous and stressed and want to know if I’m doing things correctly. I’m doing the best I can. Any advice about chameleons living places with zero humidity would be greatly appreciated.



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Here is a husbandry form for more specific and organized information fill it out me and some others can help @MissSkittles @Beman :)

Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. long has it been in your care?How
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
Location - Where are you geographically located?

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.
Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon, male, I think he’s 3 months? Just because of his size but I’m not sure. Today is day 5 that I’ve had him.
Handling - I’ve only handled him once on day 3 to rearrange his enclosure and I put him on a fake tree.
Feeding - i feed him in the morning around 10-11 am. He eats 4-5 medium cricket, 8-10 mealworms. All dusted with calcium without vitamin D. I have other supplements like a multivitamin and bee pollen to dust with 2x/month.
Watering - I mist him in the morning 1 hour before lights go on for 2-4 minutes, at night an hour before bed for 2-4 minutes and randomly throughout the day if it seems dry (I live in NM). I have seen him drink a couple times. He also has a dropper that I put in daily.
Fecal Description - never been tested for parasites. Brown poop with white/cream urate. He’s only pooped once since I’ve had him.
History - he is from a pet smart. I know. Not good. But it’s too late now and I want to give him the best life I can.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - the chameleon kit. Glass with screen on top. I think it’s 24”x18” but not sure. I know it’s too small and completely wrong so I have already ordered the 2x2x4 screen enclosure that should be here this week.
Lighting - I have a 50 watt heat bulb and a Reptisun 5.0 uvb I just put up yesterday. I have lights on 12 hours. On at 9am and off at 9pm.
Temperature - basking branch is 78-82 F. Bottom of cage is 60-65 F. I use a temp gun and have the stupid little meter looking one too.
Humidity - humidity during the day is 40-50%. Night time I use a fogger and it gets up to 90-100%.
Plants - live plants. A pothos and a fern. They don’t go up high and I know that’s a problem but I can’t fix that until I get his new enclosure.
Placement - on top of a side table in my room (the quietest room in the house). I don’t know exact measurements. But again, I’m getting new enclosure. There is a fan in my room that is always on and if it is warm enough outside I open the window that is not too far from enclosure. For good air flow. Since I know that’s an issue with glass enclosures.
Location - Middle of the desert in New Mexico.

Current Problem - i just want to make sure he looks ok and if I’m doing anything right.
I will have the important info bolded.

Handling) Chameleon holding is not as strict as you may think... I would like to say it all depends on your chameleon some will tolerate coming out and others will fire up and not let you! Learn your chameleons body language and take it slow.

Feeding) crickets are staple feeders but not something to build your chameleons whole nutrients needs based on around as with meal worms they are not recommended as a feeder... Yes they have good availability everywhere but mealworms have low nutritional value to your chameleon and with their hard exo skeleton it makes it hard to digest especially for your little one. I would switch to feeding 3/8” Dubia roaches or 1/2” with black solider fly larvae is a better diet.

Watering) watering seems fine... Before and after lights go off is a good rule of thumb, personally I would not mist tru out the day with your heat running respiratory issues might happen so as long as you have your 2 misting sessions and a dripper going that's going to be just fine :)

Missskittles know quite more then me so ill let her finish this as she said lol 😂
Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon, male, I think he’s 3 months? Just because of his size but I’m not sure. Today is day 5 that I’ve had him. Yes, he looks to be somewhere around 3-4 months old. Still has his baby cuteness. 🤗
- I’ve only handled him once on day 3 to rearrange his enclosure and I put him on a fake tree. Very good. You’ll want him to get fully settled in and comfortable first. While chameleons aren’t a pet that enjoys being handled, it is a good idea to build up a relationship of trust with him. - i feed him in the morning around 10-11 am. He eats 4-5 medium cricket, 8-10 mealworms. All dusted with calcium without vitamin D. I have other supplements like a multivitamin and bee pollen to dust with 2x/month. Good quantity that you’re giving total daily. As he grows, he’ll be needing less food. Mealworms aren’t recommended as a staple (and are controversial to use at all). Dubia, silkworms, bsfl, etc are all great and giving a variety is best. Feeding your feeders well will make them more nutritious. Graphics below. I would give the bee pollen to the feeders to process rather than using it to dust them with. For some chams it has given them edema. Does your multivitamin contain D3? If not, you’ll need a calcium with D3 to use twice a month, alternating with the multivitamin.
- I mist him in the morning 1 hour before lights go on for 2-4 minutes, at night an hour before bed for 2-4 minutes and randomly throughout the day if it seems dry (I live in NM). I have seen him drink a couple times. He also has a dropper that I put in daily. Perfect
Description - never been tested for parasites. Brown poop with white/cream urate. He’s only pooped once since I’ve had him. Is always a good idea to have a fecal parasite check
- he is from a pet smart. I know. Not good. But it’s too late now and I want to give him the best life I can. That’s not his fault and most of us here don’t judge. Some of us have chain pet store animals.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - the chameleon kit. Glass with screen on top. I think it’s 24”x18” but not sure. I know it’s too small and completely wrong so I have already ordered the 2x2x4 screen enclosure that should be here this week. Really? A chameleon kit with a glass enclosure? Interesting. Maybe is Petsmart’s version. You may want to wrap some plastic around your screen enclosure sides to retain some humidity. Shrink-to-fit window insulation gives a cleaner look than shower curtains. Just remember never put anything sticky inside the enclosure. Lighting - I have a 50 watt heat bulb and a Reptisun 5.0 uvb I just put up yesterday. Is it in a T5 fixture? Above you said you’re using an 18” T5 with a 6%. I have lights on 12 hours. On at 9am and off at 9pm.
Temperature - basking branch is 78-82 F. Bottom of cage is 60-65 F. I use a temp gun and have the stupid little meter looking one too. Perfect
- humidity during the day is 40-50%. Night time I use a fogger and it gets up to 90-100%. What are your night time temps? You don’t want to boost humidity like that unless you can achieve a temp drop below at least 68-70.
Plants - live plants. A pothos and a fern. They don’t go up high and I know that’s a problem but I can’t fix that until I get his new enclosure. These are awesome for hanging branches and plants. Some have made their own version using sheet metal I think. No artificial plants - veileds nibble their plants and it only takes one nibble of a fake leaf to cause a bowel obstruction. I hang my fake plants on the outside of the door to give my chams more privacy. Do be aware of the light needs of whatever plants you use, as many will need a separate light.
- on top of a side table in my room (the quietest room in the house). I don’t know exact measurements. But again, I’m getting new enclosure. There is a fan in my room that is always on and if it is warm enough outside I open the window that is not too far from enclosure. For good air flow. Since I know that’s an issue with glass enclosures.
Location - Middle of the desert in New Mexico.

Current Problem - i just want to make sure he looks ok and if I’m doing anything right. You’ve got a great start and he is adorable. I’m very glad that you’re here. :)
Currently have him on the hanging plant. I’m cleaning all the soil out of his enclosure and sanitizing it.


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Here’s a picture of his current enclosure. Can’t wait til his new one comes! And this is his poop. Second poop so far this is day 5 that I’ve had him. It looks different than the first one. I don’t see the urate is this ok?


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Sorry for all the posts. I’m just so stressed he’s unhappy. When I got home earlier he was sideways on his branch. He does that sometimes. Is that normal?


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Sorry for all the posts. I’m just so stressed he’s unhappy. When I got home earlier he was sideways on his branch. He does that sometimes. Is that normal?
Yes, that is somewhat ‘normal’. They will turn like that usually to better absorb heat or uvb or sometimes to avoid being seen. I’m sure most of us have the pics of our chams as looking like eyes on a branch. 😁
What is he doing that makes you think he is unhappy? You earlier mentioned his color being dull…that is actually his relaxed color. Chameleons will brighten or ‘fire up‘ when stressed, angry or trying to impress a mate. They can darken to better absorb heat and light. A bright green chameleon is not a happy chameleon.
This is how my guy looks when he’s just doing his thing.

Vs when he’s fully fired up while looking at his forbidden girlfriend.
Yes, that is somewhat ‘normal’. They will turn like that usually to better absorb heat or uvb or sometimes to avoid being seen. I’m sure most of us have the pics of our chams as looking like eyes on a branch. 😁
What is he doing that makes you think he is unhappy? You earlier mentioned his color being dull…that is actually his relaxed color. Chameleons will brighten or ‘fire up‘ when stressed, angry or trying to impress a mate. They can darken to better absorb heat and light. A bright green chameleon is not a happy chameleon.
This is how my guy looks when he’s just doing his thing.
View attachment 332369
Vs when he’s fully fired up while looking at his forbidden girlfriend.
View attachment 332370
He’s so cool! I guess I’m just unsure. I wasn’t expecting him at all. So when I got him as a gift I just got overwhelmed with how difficult their care can be and how specific everything is. I do feel a lot better now after hearing back from everyone on here. I appreciate the pictures! They helped a lot.
Sorry for all the posts. I’m just so stressed he’s unhappy. When I got home earlier he was sideways on his branch. He does that sometimes. Is that normal?
Leaning sideways on branches could also be the chameleon trying his best to hide from you because he does not have enough cover...
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