New Chameleon Owner that needs help

My precious is doing amazing. Here is a picture of him sleeping. He went down from the plant to sleep like this :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


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Oh my! I guess that charging cable was appealing? Is it possible she's looking for a place to lay eggs but can't find anything like soil or sand inside your home? I thought you determined it's a she? It's just odd for a chameleon to sleep on a flat surface like that. Keep us posted on her antics. :)
Oh my! I guess that charging cable was appealing? Is it possible she's looking for a place to lay eggs but can't find anything like soil or sand inside your home? I thought you determined it's a she? It's just odd for a chameleon to sleep on a flat surface like that. Keep us posted on her antics. :)
Pretty sure it's a she. I kept her inside tonight since it rained quite heavy today other than that she spends almost day/night outside free roaming.
Ok, I got a little concerned about these messages and went to check up. After i picked her up, she looked up and blew air from her mouth and wouldn't let go of my hand. Not quite sure what that means but now she's back on the plant and sleeping.
According to google, I believe it is a Mediterranean Chameleon.. Since they thrive there, I don't think you have to do much, You can leave a cup with bugs on that hanging plant. Eventually he/she will know that's the feeding spot.
Hello, fellow cham owners, So I found this chameleon around two months ago in the street and took him home for the day and decided to keep it in our garden and let him wonder. We didn't expect him to stay so we didn't think about it food/water at the time. As for water, I leave him outside all day and night and it's been raining a bit the past week but before that, I was misting the leaves he usually stays on with drinking water not tap water. However, for food, I didn't start doing research until a few days ago cause I was getting concerned if he was eating or not as he looked a bit weak (sometimes I spotted him chewing either a fly or wasps that he found in the garden). Also, he loves coming inside the house by himself which I'm not sure why (which I am not against). For the past two days, I've tried feeding him crickets or super worms but he showed no interest in them. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm trying to keep this little fella alive and happy. I will be attaching some photos of him / the area he usually sits in.
Your Cham doesn’t look healthy to me today. He looks much thinner than the pictures at the beginning of this thread. It could be that he’s old and maybe in his last days. I’m sorry to say this. His tail is so thin, he has no fat stores left. I wish you and him the best.
Your Cham doesn’t look healthy to me today. He looks much thinner than the pictures at the beginning of this thread. It could be that he’s old and maybe in his last days. I’m sorry to say this. His tail is so thin, he has no fat stores left. I wish you and him the best.
She is a wild chameleon that I found on the street, tried taking care of her as much as I could, even tried buying superworms for her but she doesn't want to eat them. As for water, I leave her most of the time in the rain and she also drinks from her cup. Sad to hear this news, got attached to the little fella 😭. She could also have parasites which are very normal in wild chams. Also, looking back at the old pictures the tail looks quite similar.
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