New Chameleon- Humidity Trouble

you have alot beiing thrown at you all at once.
Lets slow down, take things one at a time,
He's ok
for now, maybe lift the 100w basking a little higher, give it a few more inches off the top of his cage.
Take him out, remove the stuff on the bottom. put a paper towel in there for now.
Do you have any house plants at home? even for a temporary solution?
If you do, wash it in the sink with soapy water, rinse it well. add that to his house, it will help calm him, they like foliage to hide in. it's safe

just doing those simple, quick fixs is a good start.

then you can figure out a different cage.

Warm up your water that you mist him with, it will feel better to him., mist longer and more often when you can.

I don't want you overwhelmed, its alot to take in. We've all been there, he will be fine

do those things, then come back, everyone here can help with the feeders, gutloading etc.

dont freak out, ok?
If you cant get a cage in the next, idk 5 min. Just put the chameleon on a plant, on a table. If you dont have a plant go outside and get one. Find a HUGE branch, or knock over a small tree. Then set him on it. Put the basking lamp above it, and he can live on that. Just put the plant/tree/branch and chameleon in a closed off room, with a shut door. The chameleon will probably not leave the tree/plant/branch, for a few days or at all. If it does its sealed in the room, safe and sound. Alot of us keep our chameleons like this permanently.(free-ranging) Its an option. Just get him out of the aquarium. He will be fine. DONT PANIC. Youll be on track in no time. Just head the advice, that these wonderful people have given you. We will all figure it out, together. ;)
I was mistaken. It is the Repti Glo 5.0 UVB light that I have been using.

I'm starting to be concerned that I'm not prepared for this responsibility (I'm a poor college student and I've already invested $350 into him and his equipment. I also don't have time to mist him more than about 3 times a day.) I'm considering bringing him back to the pet store, which I really don't want to do because I already love the little guy.

If I were to keep him and get a mesh cage, wouldn't keeping the humidity level up become an even bigger problem? Also, wouldn't the humidity spread to outside the cage and create mold in my apartment?
I was mistaken. It is the Repti Glo 5.0 UVB light that I have been using.
I'm starting to be concerned that I'm not prepared for this responsibility (I'm a poor college student and I've already invested $350 into him and his equipment. I also don't have time to mist him more than about 3 times a day.) I'm considering bringing him back to the pet store, which I really don't want to do because I already love the little guy.
3 times a day is fine. If its spaced appropriatly. If you cant take care of him, yes you should return him. BUT. You should make an informed decision on that. Dont let all this scare you. Read up on everything and see if you can make the care requirments. If not, I salute you returning it.:cool:
If I were to keep him and get a mesh cage, wouldn't keeping the humidity level up become an even bigger problem? Also, wouldn't the humidity spread to outside the cage and create mold in my apartment?
It would depend on what part of the earth you inhabit, and the weather there really. It shouldnt be an issue though(mold I mean) You dont need to keep your whole apt at 60+ RH. Its very easy to keep RH up in just a screen cage. Live plants are key though.

Like I said above, you could free range him. Once you get all of this on a schedule, its really quite simple. It just becomes second nature.
Thank you all for your help tonight.
For tonight, I'm going to get the mulch out of his tank. Tomorrow when I'm less tired I'll figure out what my future plans are. Good night!
I was mistaken. It is the Repti Glo 5.0 UVB light that I have been using.

I'm considering bringing him back to the pet store, which I really don't want to do because I already love the little guy.

OK....Your UVB is good.... Dont take him back to the store!... Generally they are not good places for chams. If you really feel you cant do this,, money wise....Put him up for sale or adoption here instead. You wont be able to post in the for sale forum....... You are too new.... Policy.
Hey I don't know If it's already been mentioned but you should have a humidity gauge on the opposite end as your basking light as the humidity will naturally be lower in the warmer area under your basking light
where abouts do u live?
if ur close to me i got a juvi cage (12''x12''x18'') and a sub adult cage (24''x24''x36'') i am not using.

i should post them in the wantadds or w/e, i am not really using them. the screen one is packed up and the lil one is being used to clone more plants.
Unfortunately I live in Ohio. I'm not planning on bringing him back to the store anymore. Looking for a mesh cage now, and I'll probably buy an electronic thermometer/hygrometer with a probe so i can move it around the cage.
Before I go off and buy the wrong enclosure again, I want to be absolutely sure I'm purchasing the right thing for my veiled chameleon. Keeping in mind that I live in Ohio, where it is very cold and dry, and the chameleon will be inside my apartment, what type and size of cage should I buy that will both keep him happy and healthy, while still maintaining humidity so I only need to mist a few times a day, and not creating mold in my apartment? Also, if anyone knows any specific stores where I could buy one of these in Ohio, please include that information. Thank you so much for your help so far! I'm loving this community!
for an adult, you need a 24x24x48 mesh cage.
no clue on where to buy in ohio, but you can have them shipped from alot of our site sponsors.
Since you are getting a bit overwhelmed (perhaps financially?) I say forget wasting the money on an expensive hygrometer / therm and start with the following:

Get a cheap timer at home depot first.

Replace the 100 watt with a regular cheap 40 or 60 and just place it right on the top of the cage and put a stick right underneath it so he can get as close as possible- it will be hot right where he needs it and not dry the whole cage.

Don't worry about overall temp. As long as it is comfortable in the room (like in pants and long sleeve shirt) he will find the heat when he wants it.

Once you get a smaller bulb put a sheet of plastic (home depot paint section) over the unused part of the lid or sides and tape it in place. With the plastic and a 100 watt you will cook him so be careful.
Aww, we love you too:p I dont think youll have to worry about mold, outside of the cage. Regular cleanings take care of the chance of mold in the cage. It doesnt need to be "muggy". Just not dry. Im very glad youve decidedto keep him. Whats his name?
I've been trying to figure out his name, but nothing seems just right yet! I took him out of his tank for a little while today while my roommate was cleaning it out and he was sleeping on me. :] I feel like that's a good sign, right?
He keeps hanging from the top of his tank, and I'm worried he's going to get burned so I lowered everything in the tank and he still found a way up there. Am I being overprotective here? :D
Cool i lived in Harbourt Hall freshman year then Koonce at tri-towers for my 2ed year. Apartments can be pricy out there... Think there is a Petsmart out near stow near 271 N (when it starts ) Near the other Rocknes Resturant in stow..... loved there food off campus near Huntington bank.
Go to 1 of our sponsors.... DIY Cages......They have a real nice 24X24X48 @ $99 Shipped. A Very good deal! I know humidity is important... But I read an article a while back where I guy in Arizona had a bunch of chams he kept outside..... They adapted to the lower humidity... He had auto misters but he said he could never keep a high level. Dont worry about mold in your apt.....Unless you flood the place... it wont be a problem... a little overspray will dry up really fast;)

Just get the bigger cage!..... he will outgrow the smaller 1 FAST!....... Then....... Dishing out more money
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