New Chameleon- Humidity Trouble


New Member
Hi all,
I bought my first chameleon two days ago, and I've been having a really hard time keeping his humidity between 60-70% while also keeping his temp. between 80-85 degrees.
He is in a glass tank (size 20 high) with a screen top and I use a 100 watt basking light and a 50 watt UV light. The bottom of the tank has the mulch that they used with him at the pet store where I bought him. I have a water dish under the light, and damp washcloths covering the parts of the screen top that the lights aren't on.
The problem is, whenever I turn on his 100 watt basking light, the humidity drops from 70 to 20 within an hour. I always mist a lot right before I turn the light on, but no matter how much I mist, it is always gone within that hour.
Yesterday and today I just turned off his basking light and left the UV light on while I was away, but then his temp. would go down to 72 or so (I live in northeast Ohio).
Please, please help with any ideas about how to keep the humidity with his light on.
OK...... You came to the rite place.... You have alot going on wrong.... But dont worry, We will get you set up:) First you need a dripper & ditch the mulch! What kind of cham is it & how old?

I gotta go run some errands but will be back in a while!;)
He is a 2011 veiled chameleon. What should I get instead of mulch? I bought a dripper from the pet store, but it suctions to the side and won't drip unless it is at an angle. Also, if it is full with water, the suction isn't strong enough and it falls.
He is a 2011 veiled chameleon. What should I get instead of mulch? I bought a dripper from the pet store, but it suctions to the side and won't drip unless it is at an angle. Also, if it is full with water, the suction isn't strong enough and it falls.

Yes welcome! We are glad to have you and your chameleon on our forum.
You will need to get him out of the aquarium. A tall screen cage or terrarium, with live plants in them, will keep humidity much better, while giving the animal the fresh air it needs. 100w may be to high. No one really uses substrate, we leave the bottom bare. Substrate can be ingested and cause a great deal of harm, as well as harbor bacteria. You should go ahead and fill out this form. It will tell us everything we need to know to make sure you and your chameleon get on the right track;) Please post pictures of him and his house if at all possible, pictures are worth a million words with chameleons.

The form:(Be accurate and detailed as possible)

Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
Location - Where are you geographically located?

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.

Pictures are helpful
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon, probably male according to pet store, 2011 so 6 or 7 months old. I've had him for 2 full days.
Handling - Only when necessary for the first week or so in his new home
Feeding - 5 crickets spread out through the day.. I feed the crickets potatoes and a calcium "cricket quencher"
Supplements - n/a
Watering - I spray him, his tank, and the plants and log every couple hours for about a minute. I saw him drinking off a leaf and the side of the tank.
Fecal Description - one so far... white and cloudy greyish brown, not sure if he's been tested for parasites, but probably not.

Cage Info:


Cage Type - glass with a screen top, 24 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 16 3/4
Lighting - Exoterra basking light 100W and Exoterra UV light 50W resting on top of the screen. UV light is on from about 9am-10pm and basking light is on whenever I'm home (today from 9-11, 12-2, 5:30-8)
Temperature - When the basking light is on, temp. is around 82, when off around 70-73. Measured with a suction thermometer in the middle of the tank.
Humidity - When the basking light is on, humidity starts at around 70 and goes to 30 within an hour. When the light is off, it stays at around 50-60. Measured with a suction hygrometer in the middle of the tank. I also have a water dish in the tank that I keep under the light and I place damp washcloths on the screen where there is no light. Pet store purchased dripper did not work.
Plants - No live plants
Placement - Located in my bedroom, not near anything significant, top of cage is about 3-4 ft. from the floor
Location - NE Ohio

Current Problem - The temperature and humidity. Can't maintain humidity when temp. is 75 or higher.
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon, probably male according to pet store, 2011 so 6 or 7 months old. I've had him for 2 full days.
Handling - Only when necessary for the first week or so in his new home
Feeding - 5 crickets spread out through the day.. I feed the crickets potatoes and a calcium "cricket quencher"
Supplements - n/a
Watering - I spray him, his tank, and the plants and log every couple hours for about a minute. I saw him drinking off a leaf and the side of the tank.
You need to keep misting until he stops drinking. This could take 20 mins. It might make his poop look the normal black/white.
Fecal Description - one so far... white and cloudy greyish brown, not sure if he's been tested for parasites, but probably not.

Cage Info:


Cage Type - glass with a screen top, 24 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 16 3/4
Lighting - Exoterra basking light 100W and Exoterra UV light 50W resting on top of the screen. UV light is on from about 9am-10pm and basking light is on whenever I'm home (today from 9-11, 12-2, 5:30-8)
Temperature - When the basking light is on, temp. is around 82, when off around 70-73. Measured with a suction thermometer in the middle of the tank.
Humidity - When the basking light is on, humidity starts at around 70 and goes to 30 within an hour. When the light is off, it stays at around 50-60. Measured with a suction hygrometer in the middle of the tank. I also have a water dish in the tank that I keep under the light and I place damp washcloths on the screen where there is no light. Pet store purchased dripper did not work.
Plants - No live plants
Placement - Located in my bedroom, not near anything significant, top of cage is about 3-4 ft. from the floor
Location - NE Ohio

Current Problem - The temperature and humidity. Can't maintain humidity when temp. is 75 or higher.

Mulch will suck moisture from the air. I just use a reptimat so that my mesh enclosure won't get torn from logs and stuff, but lots of people just leave their cage bare or use like newspaper or something.
I've only seen him drinking a couple times. He seems to hate it when I spray him.. he gets skinny and walks quickly away. I'll try a different tank bottom.

Any tips for bonding with him? Every time I hold my hand out for him to climb on he looks scared and backs away slowly :(
I've only seen him drinking a couple times. He seems to hate it when I spray him.. he gets skinny and walks quickly away. I'll try a different tank bottom.

Any tips for bonding with him? Every time I hold my hand out for him to climb on he looks scared and backs away slowly :(

Right now you need to correct the husbandry before attempting to handle him.
You need to buy supplements- calcium without d3 for every feeding, calcium with d3 for twice a month, and a multivitamin for twice a month.

he needs a new cage.. now. 24x24x48 is the one you want. mesh only.

You need to get more information on gutloading. gutloading is what you feed the crickets to make them as nutritious as possible.

you need a UVB light. the UV light does not provide the proper rays. reptiglo or reptisun 5.0

get your lights on a timer. they need 12 on and 12 off cycle. random on and off times can disturb his sleep pattern.

no mulch, nothing on th ebottom of the cage.

when you replace the cage, get live plants. scheffelara and pothos are great.
Where can I buy a mesh cage and supplements? They didn't have them at the pet store.

tahts easy. :D
any of the forum site sponsors.
they al sell cages. LLL, DIY, etc.
just click the view our sponsors in the upper right corner of this site.

as for supplements, same thing. any sponsor.

instead of getting three powders, you can get the repashy all in one calcium plus (it has a crest gecko on the front)
it is used on every feeding and replaces the three powders i mentionef.
tahts easy. :D
any of the forum site sponsors.
they al sell cages. LLL, DIY, etc.
just click the view our sponsors in the upper right corner of this site.

as for supplements, same thing. any sponsor.

instead of getting three powders, you can get the repashy all in one calcium plus (it has a crest gecko on the front)
it is used on every feeding and replaces the three powders i mentionef.

GO CHAMIMOM!!!!!...... You saved me a whole lotta typing;) For our new friend..... If your cham has little spurs on his back heels its a guy!
GO CHAMIMOM!!!!!...... You saved me a whole lotta typing;) For our new friend..... If your cham has little spurs on his back heels its a guy!

haha. im on a roll tonight! lol.
and yes, spurs are good.
can you post a pic of the feet please>
back of the back feet.
I'm really kindof panicking now. What should I do with his tank until I can get a mesh cage etc.? I couldn't just take the mulch out and leave him with a glass bottom, right?
Also go to photos or enclosures forums here to see some REAL NICE setups... Your buddys will be impressed with your mini rain forest .... complete with a mini dinosaur!!:D
where are you located? Someone might have one for sale on here cheap, or just purchase one from the sites mentioned.
I'm really kindof panicking now. What should I do with his tank until I can get a mesh cage etc.? I couldn't just take the mulch out and leave him with a glass bottom, right?

yes you can. hell survive on the glass bottom.
and relax.
hell be fine for another week or so while you get the mesh cage shipped.
just get it asap.
just breathe, relax, and ask as many questions as oyu need.
you are also welcome to PM me anytime.
I'm really kindof panicking now. What should I do with his tank until I can get a mesh cage etc.? I couldn't just take the mulch out and leave him with a glass bottom, right?

OK calm down..... he will be fine in there for a while, but look into it soon. Your dripper needs to go on top of the cage and drip onto the leaves then into a container.... GET A REPTISUN 5.0 Compact flouresent bulb rite away!!! until you can get a better hood and bulb. It will or should fit in the dome you have..... if not prop it up so its not resting on the screen or hang it by the cord. HE NEEDS THAT UVB SOON! the rest later. He looks great so far... lets keep him that way
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