New Baby Panther - Male or Female?


New Member
Hi all,

I've had my baby panther for about 4 weeks now. Brought him/her home when he/she was about 2 months. I've attached some pics. There's a couple of him/her with a straight tail - any opinions on sex? In terms of colour, he/she is always brown/beige but goes dark/dark bands every now and then. Let me know what you all think! Thaanks!

p.s Apologies for the poor quality photos - only camera phone available.


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Hi all,

I've had my baby panther for about 4 weeks now. Brought him/her home when he/she was about 2 months. I've attached some pics. There's a couple of him/her with a straight tail - any opinions on sex? In terms of colour, he/she is always brown/beige but goes dark/dark bands every now and then. Let me know what you all think! Thaanks!

p.s Apologies for the poor quality photos - only camera phone available.

Very cute! Grats! :D That first picture is always the sweetest! They're looking up at you like.. HEY! Lol! He's adorable! :p
Thanks all!! I'm glad that it seems to be a unanimous decision!!

The guy in the store was fairly certain when I bought him - I was just starting to doubt it slightly as he's just over 3 months now and hasn't started to show any real colours as yet.

Guess I just need to be a bit more patient!
I agree with Carol, and most babies won't show much color until at least 3.5-4 months. And just because some might show color between 2-3 months doesn't mean they are going to look the best either.

I've seen some amazing looking males that looked very faded/not much color at 4 months.
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